Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Day in the Life- Going to work

Heading to the Bus 
Church by the bus

My Bus stop to Work

On the bus

Things I see on the Bus- Guinness Is everywhere

Where I get off- a church in the right

The street my work is on

What I see walking down to work

The Front door

My work space :)

Goodbye Dublin!

Goodbye Dublin, Ireland,
  This trip has been a really great adventure. I have met some amazing people and made some really great friends, both from America and Ireland. Most of the experiences have been great and a some not so. I have laughed harder than I ever have and cried with much more feeling than I ever thought I could. I will miss you a ton. But I know that I will now forever be a little Irish. I will always have Ireland in my heart. Thank you again for such an amazing adventure.


Tourist for a day

Friday, August 3rd

Today is my last day in Dublin. My mom and I get up to go on some small trips. I was exhausted from a long work week so we started around noon or one. We decided to wait to pack until later.

We caught the bus and headed to Trinity College to see the Book of Kells. I had seen it once before and it was kind of boring. When we arrive there was a huge line! Super long. As we waited we chatted. It rained a bit but I was so used to it that we never opened our umbrellas.

Once inside it was actually a lot more interesting than it was last time. I took the time to read the explanations on the walls and looked at the pictures. I also watched a video on book binding. It was really cool to see how they used to bind books. Makes me wish I could. It also reminded me of Mo from "Inkheart". He was a book binder. Made me see how he actually would have done it.

I moved onto the room with the actual book, but it's not that exciting. I glanced at it, but spent most of my time in the Long Room (library). Beautiful. Inspiring. I really love libraries. It even smelled inspiring. I just sat there for a long time and waited for my mom.

After Trinity we walked to St. Stephen's Green. It was beautiful and green. We walked around the water. There were two little ponds. Most of them were filled with sea gals. lol. While walking around we saw a guy sitting with the swans. It was kind of cool. He was just sitting there in the middle of them feeding them.

On the way home we grabbed a mailing box so I could ship some stuff home, grab the souvenirs I needed from Pennys, and picking up the little airplane earring I really wanted.

Back home we packed that box and took it to the post office. The post office guy was really nice. He was truly Irish in the way he acted. Very kind and happy. Joked around with us a little. And this was even right about closing time.

From there we headed to the bus again and went down to Carroll's Souvenir shop. I got my Irish pub songs CD and a few things for my friends and family. Not far from there we headed to one of my favorite restaurants, Nandos. It is a chicken place where the food is cooked in Peri-peri sauce. It is a Portuguese recipe. Everything there is delicious.

After a VERY filling meal we headed home on the bus. We stopped at Spar and my mom got to finally try the YUMMY soft serve. Next came packing and cleaning. I passed out at about 2 am and got up between 5 and 6 am. My mom didn't sleep at all.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


It was here! It was time to begin. Everything was set up and it was fabulous. The parents and kids were given some time to wander around and buy stuff. One of the kids brought us(the interns) a card. It was a thank you card. It wished us safe travels back to the states. I am only sorry I left it there because it was really sweet. Then they began to give out awards. I got to hand out the awards for the film camp because that was the one I was most in charge of (think screaming dictator, jk). It was so cute, and all the parents were so proud. Aftwards they all went down to watch the film. I had seen it about 10 times and decided not to go. I knew it would be chaos anyway.

Everyone came back from the cinema room and Gina gave out badges/awards. They were usually for completing a camp or being the best at your camp. Well at the end of it Gina had a few surprises. They had made a Badge for all the interns. It was a "You are a star" badge but it had a heart with wings and a keyhole. After I got mine I nearly cried. That was when Kelly decided to give me a hug and I started crying. I couldn't stop. I took a few breathes.

Next came the performance. It started out With Luke singing telephone. A few dances and songs later and the tributes started to come. Most of the kids dedicated their performance to all us interns. They kept doing more performances in honor of us after they were supposed to be done. It was really sweet. They all got together and sang Lazy Song for us, Natalie and I sang it a lot because it is one of my favorite songs. Then a few more performances. Finally Jade and Zoe went up to sing a song. They sang "World's Greatest" (I'm tearing up now thinking about it). They couldn't finish the song because Zoe started crying. Then all the other girls started crying and we had one big messy crying group hug. Even some of the boys started crying.

That is when the pictures started. Basically I sat and took a photo with every kid there. they came up one after the other with a hug and wanting a picture with me. The song could not be sang and it was time to say goodbye. It was really hard for all the kids but the fact that they all have Facebook (some are only 8) will soften the blow. They are all great, creative kids. One of them even brought her mother up to talk to me. She was so sweet, and gave me a hug before they left. I think we really have made a difference with these kids.

They all left one by one and it was time to clean up a little. We all hung out a got a few photos before saying our final goodbyes. It was rough. I had spent my last to months with these people. there are lots of photos of hugging and that's truly the relationship we left with. A joyful loving one. I would love to go back. I hope to keep in touch with these kids, and everyone I worked with on this adventure.

Afterwards my mum and I stopped at the Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Ireland (1198). Had a pint of Bulmers then headed home to get ready for the busy next day.

P.S. If you would like to see the film will be on youtube sometime ( I don't know when). It is called "Young Heros"

Edit, edit...edit

Thursday, August 2nd

Today was a really hard day. It was my last day. Ever. The upcoming days many of the kids asked us when we were coming back. We had to tell them that we may never be back. It was the hardest thing because they knew we were leaving, but most of them didn't know we weren't coming back next summer. If I was getting paid, and had enough to live on I would totally come back to help out next summer, but it just isn't going to happen.

Anyway, I got up early because I wanted to be there around 10 or 10:30. I got there at 10:20. I knew I had to stay behind and not go speedboating. I needed to help Les finish editing the film that kids had been working on. the three other interns went boating with the kids at 10:30. I stayed behind and helped get things set up. At 11:30 Les got there and we started editing right away. Fortunately, Razvan got there around 11 and would help with the setting up while I went to edit. The kids had done a little editing that Tuesday, but it wasn't much to help us.

Now, one thing that you have to understand is how different Les and I operate. I wanted to get all the takes selected and then started cutting time and adding transitions. Less kind of wants to do it scene by scene. So, in the end we went back and forth between the two. the script had been cute a lot, so we knew it was going to be short, but, BOY, I did not expect to spend that many hours editing.

At about 1:30 my head was hurting from concentrating on the screen for such a long amount of time. My mom had been organizing and cleaning and making jewelry. We went out for lunch at Mannings. I got two salads and some cheese (the usual) and she got the spanish omelet with two salads. There they have sooo MANY salads. There are a lot that are creamy, though. Anyway....We talked about varies things. I told her about the film and how Gina had felt bad putting her to work (truthfully my mother loves that kind of work). It was relaxing and we finished with plenty of time to walk around. I walked down to some charity shops just to look in and around. She took lots of pictures of the buildings, yes I was embarrassed.

Also, on the way back to work we saw some of the kids mothers. I awkwardly waved at them and then we had a short conversation which I then awkwardly left. Even though it was, well, awkward I feel like they appreciated me stopping and saying hi. We see the kids everyday, but we do see the parents when they pick them up. We don't see them long but we do notice them. Some in good ways and some in bad, but mostly in good ways. At least from the parents that I have met.

At 2:30 I was back with Les editing. He had grabbed a quick lunch so he could continue editing. He got a good amount done but we still had a while ahead of us. We need up editing until about 5 pm. It was about 4- 4 1/2 hours of editing. ON the bright side, we got it looking pretty good and I learned how to use the editing part of iMovie. On the bad side, it could have been better if the kids had worked better. BUT what can you do? They are all around 10. They can't concentrate for 2 hours at a time on a film (we filmed it in only 3 days, less than 6 hours).

After we were done it was time to finish setting up. Kelly had gotten there by that time and was a great help. The awards had been made and everything was displayed well. It was almost time for the kids to arrive. The DVDs were burning for the film and the cases were ready for them. It was time for the showcase................

The finally days of order amongst chaos

Wednesday, August 1st

Unfortunately, I did not make it into the top 30 of the contest I was in :( I was really trying for it, but getting votes is not my thing. I hate trying to get votes and I always will. The day started out a little weird. My mom had to get up at 5 so I ended up waking her. Her alarm had not worked and mine had, but she wasn't used to the sound. After she left for her countryside bus tour I grabbed my blanket and pillow and slept in the bed until I woke up on time, maybe even early. I felt pretty well refreshed. I got ready and headed for the bus.

I was the first one at work other than Johanka. Gina ended up not feeling too well. She had stayed much later and I think the late night exhausted her after spending so much time getting ready for the showcase. During the "morning" section we let them practice their performances. Two of the boys were singing so they practiced their songs. I was sooo proud of them. They are both good, confident singers/rappers. After a few practices we had to let Brandon take over the music room. We was adding background music to the kids songs we had recorded the previous week. He spent the whole day in there. Zoe and Alex practiced their dance, and while they were doing that I worked on more bracelets. I made a lot of the girls because they liked how I did it.

I also helped them practice the words to a song. It is a silly song I learned in elementary. Miss Susy had a steamboat the steamboat had a bell, Miss went to heaven.....etc. I'm pretty sure the parents were going to hate it so I wouldn't repeat it. lol.

We took our lunch in. I grabbed some stuff from the Spar for lunch. Some cheese and lunch meat that I could full up together, then I also got my favorite yogurt and potato wedges. It was probably all terrible for me but oh, so yummy. Aisling came in to get something signed and ended up just hanging out with us for a while.

After lunch the chaos started. We literally had nothing for them to do. They war running around like crazy. One kid, younger than most of the others, was squirting paint everywhere. I told him you could not use anymore because it was all over the table. He got mad and yelled at me. He even shoved me because he didn't want to talk to me. I went in and hung out with Brandon because I couldn't deal with the noise anymore. He came to apologize and get more paint.

Once all the kids were gone we cleaned. We were all exhausted from the night before (did I mention Anne was back!). It was the evening of our going away dinner with EUSA. We left work early, but really there wasn't anything else we could do. We walked there and ate dinner. After dinner there was a trivia game and my team came in 3rd :( We didn't get anything, but one of there girls on our team won the bonus game. She had to pronounce a bunch of Irish street names. She did really well.

I hung around a little after and talked to some of my Chapman girls. I told the two who had gone with me to Galway the first time about my second trip. We got an extra glass of wine because some people didn't show up and I went to meet my mom on O'Connell.

This was the first time we had really seen each other since she had gotten there. We headed off to grab a CD of photos from a photo shoot. We then walked around. Got a title lost but it was really peaceful. Once finally on the bus we were able to really relax. I was very tired from the busy last couple days I had so we pretty much headed to bed. Thursday was the day of the showcase and about a 10 hour day. Little did I know what would be in store.

Goodbyes, good wines, and a bundle of laughs

Tuesday, July 31st

My mum came today. Unfortunately, I had work all day. Last week I made her a map on google docs on how to get to a few places while I was working. I got several calls throughout the day from her with questions, but I was excited to have her there.

Tuesday was a very exciting day at work, well after work. Anne was sick :( I started out the day meeting the new guy. I had started Monday and would be there for 10 weeks. He is from Romania. A pretty chill guy. He'll be good there, but unfortunately it was our last week. After that we started to get ready for the showcase. Some of the kids went in to edit with Les, but we pretty much had to entertain the rest of them. It was tough. They didn't have anything to do, so they kind of just ran wild.

I stayed in for lunch. I had my last rice and egg meal. It was as yummy as always. I would have gone to lunch with everyone, but Pauline wasn't there so I was supposed to go with the kids to swimming. It wasn't until after lunch when I realized swimming had been canceled. They were cleaning the pool. How silly of me. The next two hours were spent trying to keep the kids under control.

We had them work on making bracelets for the showcase. They used beads that some of them had made a few weeks earlier. Originally the beads were to be used for wind chimes, but they didn't balance to well. One of the girls got so upset she yelled that Gina was meaner than the Devil. Before she had not been attached to the chimes. Not until they were being taken apart. Well we dealt with it. I wouldn't let her use them for something other than making jewelry to sell and she said I was meaner than Gina. The funny thing was at the showcase I was her best friend. She came up to hug me about 4 different times during the beginning go the night (that is another story). In the end she was mad, but she got over it.

After we got off about 5 pm the three interns headed off to Arthurs. It the pub on the corner we turn onto for work. It was cute and comfortable. The bartender/waiter was really nice and patient. I ended up getting a cheeseburger with not bun (big surprise..). We spent the next hour and a half laughing and crying. We had some emotional discussions about politics and past experiences. We pretty much covers every topic you could think of. It was great and made me realize how much I was going to miss everyone. I love everyone I had met on the trip, but the three people I work with are amazing and will be hardest to leave.

After dinner we head back to the Clubhouse. We had an "adult" going away party. It was the inters, the new guy, Les, Gina (the boss), Ivanna, Johanka, and Pauline. It was a lot of fun. We drank wine and listened to music. Talked and danced. It was a deadly four hours. Deadly in the good way, of course. A little after 11 I headed out to catch the bus. I got home around midnight and showed my mom around the place, even though she had been there for several hours. I just wanted to show her a few things she may not know about the apartment. That night I slept on the floor on couch cushions. It had been a challenging day with the kids and an interactive day with my fabulous coworkers!

Olympics at Nubar

Monday, July 30th

I slept through my alarm. I slept a lot this weekend, so maybe it was because of that. I don't know. Maybe I overslept this weekend and it made me extra tired. Whatever the reason was I woke up feeling super groggy. And I know it wasn't the wine from the night before because I didn't have that much. It was mostly just hanging out. I ended up staying home from work and sleeping even more hours, if that we even possible. When I eventually got up I didn't know what to do. There wasn't anything I could do from home fore work and I was caught up on my blogs.

Well, do you want to know what I did? I chatted on Facebook messenger to friends I had just begun to know. Yup, that is pretty much all I did. I had been invited to go out to Nubar with people to watch the Olympics. It was about a 5 minute walk from where we lived, so it was convenient. I didn't feel much like drinking so I only had 2 ciders over the course of about 3 hours. Nothing more special that that. It was great craic watching the swimming and gymnastics. No wonder these are our olympians.

I walked home with some of my girls, and tried to get to sleep early. No luck, unfortunately, but I did get some good reading done.