Sunday, August 5, 2012


It was here! It was time to begin. Everything was set up and it was fabulous. The parents and kids were given some time to wander around and buy stuff. One of the kids brought us(the interns) a card. It was a thank you card. It wished us safe travels back to the states. I am only sorry I left it there because it was really sweet. Then they began to give out awards. I got to hand out the awards for the film camp because that was the one I was most in charge of (think screaming dictator, jk). It was so cute, and all the parents were so proud. Aftwards they all went down to watch the film. I had seen it about 10 times and decided not to go. I knew it would be chaos anyway.

Everyone came back from the cinema room and Gina gave out badges/awards. They were usually for completing a camp or being the best at your camp. Well at the end of it Gina had a few surprises. They had made a Badge for all the interns. It was a "You are a star" badge but it had a heart with wings and a keyhole. After I got mine I nearly cried. That was when Kelly decided to give me a hug and I started crying. I couldn't stop. I took a few breathes.

Next came the performance. It started out With Luke singing telephone. A few dances and songs later and the tributes started to come. Most of the kids dedicated their performance to all us interns. They kept doing more performances in honor of us after they were supposed to be done. It was really sweet. They all got together and sang Lazy Song for us, Natalie and I sang it a lot because it is one of my favorite songs. Then a few more performances. Finally Jade and Zoe went up to sing a song. They sang "World's Greatest" (I'm tearing up now thinking about it). They couldn't finish the song because Zoe started crying. Then all the other girls started crying and we had one big messy crying group hug. Even some of the boys started crying.

That is when the pictures started. Basically I sat and took a photo with every kid there. they came up one after the other with a hug and wanting a picture with me. The song could not be sang and it was time to say goodbye. It was really hard for all the kids but the fact that they all have Facebook (some are only 8) will soften the blow. They are all great, creative kids. One of them even brought her mother up to talk to me. She was so sweet, and gave me a hug before they left. I think we really have made a difference with these kids.

They all left one by one and it was time to clean up a little. We all hung out a got a few photos before saying our final goodbyes. It was rough. I had spent my last to months with these people. there are lots of photos of hugging and that's truly the relationship we left with. A joyful loving one. I would love to go back. I hope to keep in touch with these kids, and everyone I worked with on this adventure.

Afterwards my mum and I stopped at the Brazen Head, the oldest pub in Ireland (1198). Had a pint of Bulmers then headed home to get ready for the busy next day.

P.S. If you would like to see the film will be on youtube sometime ( I don't know when). It is called "Young Heros"

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