Sunday, August 5, 2012

Edit, edit...edit

Thursday, August 2nd

Today was a really hard day. It was my last day. Ever. The upcoming days many of the kids asked us when we were coming back. We had to tell them that we may never be back. It was the hardest thing because they knew we were leaving, but most of them didn't know we weren't coming back next summer. If I was getting paid, and had enough to live on I would totally come back to help out next summer, but it just isn't going to happen.

Anyway, I got up early because I wanted to be there around 10 or 10:30. I got there at 10:20. I knew I had to stay behind and not go speedboating. I needed to help Les finish editing the film that kids had been working on. the three other interns went boating with the kids at 10:30. I stayed behind and helped get things set up. At 11:30 Les got there and we started editing right away. Fortunately, Razvan got there around 11 and would help with the setting up while I went to edit. The kids had done a little editing that Tuesday, but it wasn't much to help us.

Now, one thing that you have to understand is how different Les and I operate. I wanted to get all the takes selected and then started cutting time and adding transitions. Less kind of wants to do it scene by scene. So, in the end we went back and forth between the two. the script had been cute a lot, so we knew it was going to be short, but, BOY, I did not expect to spend that many hours editing.

At about 1:30 my head was hurting from concentrating on the screen for such a long amount of time. My mom had been organizing and cleaning and making jewelry. We went out for lunch at Mannings. I got two salads and some cheese (the usual) and she got the spanish omelet with two salads. There they have sooo MANY salads. There are a lot that are creamy, though. Anyway....We talked about varies things. I told her about the film and how Gina had felt bad putting her to work (truthfully my mother loves that kind of work). It was relaxing and we finished with plenty of time to walk around. I walked down to some charity shops just to look in and around. She took lots of pictures of the buildings, yes I was embarrassed.

Also, on the way back to work we saw some of the kids mothers. I awkwardly waved at them and then we had a short conversation which I then awkwardly left. Even though it was, well, awkward I feel like they appreciated me stopping and saying hi. We see the kids everyday, but we do see the parents when they pick them up. We don't see them long but we do notice them. Some in good ways and some in bad, but mostly in good ways. At least from the parents that I have met.

At 2:30 I was back with Les editing. He had grabbed a quick lunch so he could continue editing. He got a good amount done but we still had a while ahead of us. We need up editing until about 5 pm. It was about 4- 4 1/2 hours of editing. ON the bright side, we got it looking pretty good and I learned how to use the editing part of iMovie. On the bad side, it could have been better if the kids had worked better. BUT what can you do? They are all around 10. They can't concentrate for 2 hours at a time on a film (we filmed it in only 3 days, less than 6 hours).

After we were done it was time to finish setting up. Kelly had gotten there by that time and was a great help. The awards had been made and everything was displayed well. It was almost time for the kids to arrive. The DVDs were burning for the film and the cases were ready for them. It was time for the showcase................

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