Sunday, August 5, 2012

Olympics at Nubar

Monday, July 30th

I slept through my alarm. I slept a lot this weekend, so maybe it was because of that. I don't know. Maybe I overslept this weekend and it made me extra tired. Whatever the reason was I woke up feeling super groggy. And I know it wasn't the wine from the night before because I didn't have that much. It was mostly just hanging out. I ended up staying home from work and sleeping even more hours, if that we even possible. When I eventually got up I didn't know what to do. There wasn't anything I could do from home fore work and I was caught up on my blogs.

Well, do you want to know what I did? I chatted on Facebook messenger to friends I had just begun to know. Yup, that is pretty much all I did. I had been invited to go out to Nubar with people to watch the Olympics. It was about a 5 minute walk from where we lived, so it was convenient. I didn't feel much like drinking so I only had 2 ciders over the course of about 3 hours. Nothing more special that that. It was great craic watching the swimming and gymnastics. No wonder these are our olympians.

I walked home with some of my girls, and tried to get to sleep early. No luck, unfortunately, but I did get some good reading done.

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