Sunday, July 29, 2012

Lazy Days

Saturday, July 28th-Sunday, July 29th

I didn't do much. I watched a lot of Even Stevens and a few films. I cleaned my room and did some cooking. I chatted with friends back home. I cooked and got a few things from the Spar to eat. I sent a lot of e-mails. The usually catch-up days for the apartment and blog. I have almost finished all the chocolates the kids gave me. lol. Maybe I should eat another kiwi....

I decided I wanted ice cream and saw one of my friends in her apartment window. We chatted for a minute, but then i went to get my ice cream. I stopped back at her place and we did a catch up on everything we had not told each other yet about the past few days. Her and her roommates told me they were going over to a new friend's apartment for hanging out and wine. It was a lot of fun. We just relaxed and talked. All the students were international and  were taking classes in Dublin to learn english.  They were from Russia, Italy, and France. I headed home about midnight and went to bed feeling happy. I was glad I had seen some of my friends after they had all been gone for the weekend.

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