Sunday, July 29, 2012

Good Craic- From Dublin to Galway and back

Thursday, July 26- Friday, July, 27th

Last day of the work week, and the last day of filming. On the way to work I saw one of the kids. Her mom had brought us all gifts. We each got a sparkling juice drink, chocolates, and flowers. It was so sweet. We even got  a little card. They were going on holiday and would not be back before we leave. It was so so sweet. I felt so blessed.

This was the last day of filming. Two kids had the wrong outfit on and it was terrible. I had to yell every ten seconds. We cut a bunch of lines because they jet could not concentrate. After one change into superhero costumes we were done and it was lunch time.

I stayed in again and Natalie brought me some fruit. I mostly sat inside with Les and talked about the film and how we were going to edit it. We just talked until they all got back from getting their food. We sat outside for a while but I was wearing black so I was steaming.

When we went back inside I made a map for my mom. It was telling her how to get around to a few places near my apartment. It didn't take too long, thankfully, because we had to record more songs. A few of the boys hadn't been there the day before to record.

 Finally done with recording I had to leave to catch the bus. I said a quick hello to Natalie's parents and left. I was going to Galway for the evening. I had made a friend the last time I was there and he invited me out to his roommate's birthday party. On the bus to my bus to Galway I was glad to be able to say goodbye to Julia. I hadn't seen her much lately because we had both been super busy.

I found the bus and was one of the first ones on. The ride was pretty relaxing. I check my e-mail and talked to the lady next to me. She was Celiac as well and carried a book with her everywhere that told her what she could eat. She had two kids and was living in Galway but used to live in Dublin. She had gone back to Dublin the night before to watch her brother play a gig. She was really nice and we had a great conversation.

I arrive in Galway and hung out at my friend's place until his roommate got back. We headed out to a pub called the Skeff. I met a lot of really cool people, and it was good craig (good fun).  We all stayed up pretty late, so I slept nearly the whole day the next day.

A few of us grabbed an early dinner and then I grabbed the bus back home. My iPod was almost out of battery and the internet connection was not working very well so I half slept the majority of the ride. Once I got back in Dublin it was about 10 pm and I grabbed a postcard and an ice cream. I got on the bus and headed home. Once I got home I relaxed. Watched TV (Even Stevens is on Netflix here). Made food. The usual.

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