Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Monday, July 2nd

      Today we start all the camps.  We start an hour earlier than we normally do, and then work until 7 on Mondays and Wednesadays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we only go until 5pm. Which is really nice. I was the first one here, right before our supervisor got here. We were starting out with the music making camp. I wasn't leading it, but it was tough to make the kids pay attention. We had tot each them about reading music so they can actually write it later on. Each camp is 2 hours. They all lost attention pretty early on. We survived, and I think they actually enjoyed it in the end. Even with all the complaining. They left and we finally got our lunch. We all stayed in and just ate what we brought with us in the kitchen. I was in a need of some fruit so Ann and I walked to a convenience store and got some snacks. I also got ice cream, of course. Here "Smarties" (the type of push pop I got) is a chocolate brand. It is like M&Ms, but there have M&Ms here as well.

The second groups is called "Battle of the Brands." In it the children first make up a company, a logo, and a slogan for crafts they are going to sell. After they make these they are going to make things to sell (painted flower pots, etc). We only had about 5 kids for this camp (though it seems to change every day). One girl in particular worked really hard. She was super creative and adorable. It ended and it was time to start "Same but Different."

No one showed up so we just hung out with one of the girls who used to come to the club. We learned all about the different popular bands in Ireland.  We learned about One Direction, Jedward, Westlife, and Cher Lloyd. Some were good, but others were ehh....

Afterwards the three of us girl interns decided to just hang out because I wasn't ready to go home yet (the sun messes me up so much). We found a food place called "Nandos." You can check it out at: They serve something called PERi-PERi Chicken. It was the best chicken I had ever had. We had a great talk with our waitress, got free extra fries, and ate the most moist chicken I have ever had. After that I went with Natalie and one of her other friends to the International Bar. We listened to some really good musicians and a poet. The I went home and hung out with some friends for about an hour. Then I went to bed because it was after midnight.

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