Sunday, July 22, 2012

Learning to sew...again

Monday, July 16th

Work again. Today started off as a usually day. Alarm went off and couldn't get up, so let myself sleep in just long enough so I could get to the bus on time. I got all ready and wore shorts because it was going to be 67 (that's really warm here).

As I was waiting for the bus I was texting my photographer because I left my little point-and-shoot camera in his car. As I looked up in the middle of my text the bus passed by without stopping (Great!). It meant I had to wait at least another 15 minutes for another bus. I stood and waited in my shorts and huge rainbow colored umbrella. A homeless man was sitting their but he left before I got ob the bus. I seem to see him a lot there. There was even one occasion where the driver drove past the stop a little so that he would have to get on behind me and another girl. Then he wouldn't let him on. I can understand why, but at the same time it seemed really cruel.

I get on the bus and head up to the top floor (saloon) as usual. There is a couple up there being really loud and smoking. You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. It is one of the rules, and it was really annoying that they were doing that. If someone wants to smoke that is their business, but if other people are with you in an inclosed space that's just rude. At one point the bus driver stopped the bus and made everyone get off, including the smokers. The driver told us we could get on the next bus coming, but oddly enough once the group that was smoking walked away from the bus he let everyone else on and we continued on our way.

I ended up being a little late, but the Irish don't care. I could have called in sick and it totally would have been fine. I mean, if I were actually sick. When I arrived everyone was working on there songs, but one girl who was eleven was working on sewing her pants into shorts. I spent the whole day working with her on that. We pinned each leg, sewed it, rolled each leg and sewed again. At this point it was lunch time.

We went to Mannings and got two salads. I chose the wrong salads because they were too similar. I ended up not being able to finish it. What made this lunch so fun is that it was not just means the two girl interns the boy intern and two people who ran the club were also with us. We were slagged and did some slagging as well. It was just a whole lot of fun.

After lunch we headed back to the clubhouse and I continued to work with the girl on her shorts. We sewed on a star and started on the heart when the machine stopped work, again. Once before while we had been working the machine stopped and I had to the thins out and put new things in. It took awhile because I had not had to do that in about 4 years.

At about 4:50 I get a call. I was supposed to met the photographer at 4:30 to pick up my camera but I was so immersed in this sewing project that time had completely slipped my mind. I ran down and hopped on the first bus to city city. We met at the spire and I got my camera back! On the way back the bus broke down a few times and a nice irish gentleman talked my ear off. He was very nice, but I could only understand about 1/2 of what he said. Finally, the driver just made everyone get off and I decided to walk back because I was pretty close.

When I got back all the kids had left and we just hung out. If I remember correctly I just headed straight home that night and relaxed.

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