Friday, July 13, 2012

Music, energy, and murals

Wednesday, July 11th

Today is a special day. I would get my phone back and the kids have a field trip to a place called ENERGY, but first we have the music camp. I got up a little early that morning and headed over the O'Connell St. I got off and found the lost properly office. THEY HAD MY PHONE! I had to pay 2 euro to get it back but I was so excited that I didn't care. BUT right after I for it a bird pooped on me os I ran around trying to find a bathroom to wash it off my jacket and umbrella. After that it was pretty smooth sailing. I got on my bus and headed off to work.

At the clubhouse we knew the guy who makes instruments with the kids was coming so we took it pretty relaxed. First we went over the cords and then started on writing songs again. It got really tough because we were expecting to go make instruments, so the kids weren't listening very well, if at all. They were all antsy and there was maybe two or three kids helping us write the song. Finally we went over and made whistles. They are the ones where you pull out the stick to make different sounds. It was slightly annoying but I think they all enjoyed it. After we finished the whistles we had the kids work on individual lyrics. After they finished two verses (four lines each) and one chord (two lines) they were allowed to spend the rest of the time messing on the computers.

We were originally told we were going with the kids to energy so my can of soup was useless, because I didn't know if I could eat it in time to make it only the "bus" they were taking the kids in, so we all went and grabbed some food. They went to spar to get bread, hummus, and tomatoes. I went to a grocer store called Lidl and got deli ham, cheese slices, and yogurt. We got back and ate quickly. We went to join the kids on the bus and then found out that we wouldn't be with the kids at all. We would be in a completely different area just hanging out, so we all stayed. That way Gina (our boss) wouldn't have to drive us.

I spent that 2 hours of time catching up on two blogs then we kind of just hung out with two girls that came in. They weren't going to energy, so they were working on frames to sell and listening to music until it was time for them to leave. After they left we ended up working on ideas for the mural. We decided to just do it on one of the walls by the clubhouse entrance instead of trying to find a wall people could see. This way it could be used for two different purposes. We would do the mural and the little kids could help. We could also have a BBQ and tape people in a more secure location. Secondly, it would help direct people to where the clubhouse was. It can be a hard place to find (I can testify to the) and would help a lot. Plus those back areas could always use more color.

We then chose an image to base it off of, and even figured out how we will write the words and everything. It was brilliant actually. As usual, it was about 7 when we got off. I went home right after, for the first time in like forever. I finally got toilet paper (was out for almost week) and 2L bottles of water.  I could only carry two. I had planned to work on my blogs (I was about 5 days behind) but then water to relax a little first. THEN I had to figure out where I was actually going on Saturday. I had to find my way to a beach for a shoot. That took quite a while.

Finally, when I was about to go to bed a got a message on Facebook from my roomie. She had found a place for the three of us to live next year. Yay! But it only had 2 bedrooms. Boo! Well, we talked about it and what needed to be done until about 2 am my time. I was so tired and had to go to bed. Once I was in bed I couldn't sleep :S So I watched a little tv to numb my mind (I know not a good practice, but when I get desperate that's what I do) and eventually feel asleep.

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