Friday, July 13, 2012

The Irish way

Thursday, July 12

Alarm goes off at 8:45. Reset it....forget to activate new time. Wake up at 10:30 (when I was supposed to leave for work). Shower, call work. They just laugh at me and tell me it's no big deal. I got slagged a bit when I got there but they were just messing around. The Irish don't care much about time constraints. Next, finished getting ready, eat, clean my room a little. My room was truly a tragedy  pretty much since I got here.

Head off to work and get there around 1:30. Kids are only a break and I "wake" some of them up by tickling them. We design our costumes and tell them what they need to bring (an extra set of clothes they can leave there). The script has been edited by the other interns and it was time for the kids to leave.

The four of us head out to lunch (a rarity). I wasn't very hungry sense I got up late and ate late. We went to Mannings and I got a Spanish Omelet anyway. It wasn't bad but I added ketchup (Did I mention that Irish brands taste a lot more vinegary than American brands?). Before we left we all got a dessert as well. I got a Meringue Cream thingy. It was ok, but not the best dessert I have ever had.

On our way back we stopped at a charity shop (thrift store) and looked at a few things. I might go back and check to see if they have a dress that I like or maybe some shoes that were really cute. We walked about in there for a long time. They had books, records, and kitchen stuff as well. I wasn't too impressed because what I was interested in wasn't my size. :( On the brighter side, new things come in almost every day.

After we got back I stayed down stairs and ate my meringue because I needed a spoon for it. Jade came down to say hi because everyone upstairs told her I was in the kitchen. We both like giving lots of hugs. WenI headed upstairs and everyone was working on frames. They only worked for about an hour then around 4 a bunch of kids left to work on photography. The few kids that left continued working on frames or mosaics. I finished two that had been started. Boy, that glue is hard to get off. After I finished both I felt quite accomplished.

Work ended about 5 and we all headed out. I rode down with the girls to Dame St. because they were going to grab dinner before their Need to Breath concert. We said our goodbyes and I headed out to O'Connell. Since I've been here I've begun to eat a lot of McDonalds. I always get the same thing. A double cheese burger with no bun and either fries or a carmel sundae, except this time I got a fruit pouch. It had apples and grapes.  It was as yummy as always:)

I headed home to drop off some of my stuff and then got changed. I went to the Palace Bar (black rum on ice) because I had been given a list of pubs I needed to go to in Dublin and that was on it. Then met some friends at the Old Storehouse Bar (Prickly Melon & Aqua were my drinks). The four of us was joined by one other person and then we met up with three other girls. It was some one's birthday. We went to the Trinity bar and got vouchers for a free shot with any drink. I got a Cranberrytini and the shot was vodka and grenadine. We all cheers-ed to her birthday. Later We also got a Baby Guinness shot (Kaluha & Baileys) and cheers-ed to her birthday again.

Most everyone wanted to stay out late so me and one other girl left to catch the bus (neither one of us wanted to pay for a taxi that night). We grabbed some McDonalds (second time that day) and were able to catch the #1 bus. It was the bus that got off closest to where we live. We chatted with some girls on the bus who were in the same program as us.

Once I got home I stayed up wwaayyy too late Facebook-ing and watching TV, but it was nice being able to relax after a long week.

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