Friday, July 13, 2012

Mosaics and Chicken

Monday, July 9th

Another music day was afoot. Unfortunately, Natalie had found out some bad news about a friend and could not stay. We led the group instead for her. We spent the majority of the day writing songs. We worked on one song specifically. Some of them had worked on the lyrics the week before so we cut up the lyrics so they could reorganize them and they could add other lyrics and a chorus. Some of them actually got pretty creative. It took a lot of concentration so we gave them a break. The whole day we had been having trouble with one girl. She does not want to write songs. She wanted to learn the drums, so she was very obstinate.

The break ended after only a couple minutes because this girl and one of the boys were running and jumping on things. We decided to take them into the music room and work on beats with the drums. Each got a drum and either one or two drumsticks. We gave them each a short pattern to play on their drums. It went good off and on but they would lose their beat on purpose or on accident. Needless to say she kept acting up and got kicked out of the club for the rest of the day. We spent more time working on the same songs we started earlier and then sent them home a little early.

Lunch time! I decided to stay in because I was trying to to spend anymore money on food. I just sat and talk to Ivanna for lunch. I had my rice package and an apple.

Marketing time. Today we were making mosaics. We started out by breaking glass bottles with a hammer. Ivanna did most of the work because it was dangerous. We then went upstairs and started the mosaics. I just watched because I wanted all the kids to participate. The glue was pretty hefty and really hard to get off. The end of it I had to create a bandaid because one kid cut himself a little bit. It was ity bity but we still had to put a bandaid on it.

The time after that is Same but different, but we changed what will happen.  There was a meeting about   a program they are trying to get older kids to do, and what will happen with same but different. We are only doing a mural. We will paint a tree on a wall with Same but different written across it and a stop-motion camera taking pictures the whole time. Then we will ask people to do their hand prints as leaves, and maybe even record them answering a question. It wass all bouncing around ideas.

Afterwards I went with Anne and we met Natalie at Nandos (so much for not spending money. lol). It was as yummy as usual. I got corn and fries with my chicken. I got medium like I did last time. Cameron met up with us there and it was fun. Afterwards I went home and so did they. Unfortunately, I left my phone on the bus and had to do without it all of Tuesday because they only record lost property at 2 pm everyday. The next day was a film day.

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