Sunday, July 22, 2012

Lights, Camera...paper?

Thursday, July 19th

Today we were to actually start filming!! A few kids didn't show up so we worked on one-on-one scenes mostly. It was so cute how much they tried. I was sooo proud of all of them. They kept concentration most of the time and we got a good bit of it all filmed. It was absolutely adorable. I can't help but smile thinking about it :D

I ate lunch in. My normal egg fried rice with tea. Everyone went to go grab food but they came back and ate in the kitchen. We ended up watching some of "Fun with Dick and Jane" on my iPod. It was fun. We all made little commentaries here and there, but we'll have to finish the movie another time.

After lunch we made paper! Well we didn't make paper. We used things to make designs on paper. It was a lot of fun, but the kids got bored with it. How can you get bored blowing bubbles? Maybe it was because there were rules about it... There were two ways we made the designs. There were several different bowls that had paint, water, and soap in them. Then you blow bubbles with a straw until the bubble are higher than the top of the bowl. You let the bubble touch the paper so that they pop and leave color. You then do this with what ever colors you like and let it dry. I made like 10 of them. It was kind of awesome.

The other type of design you could make involved shaving cream. You spread a thin layer of shaving cream on foil then put a few drops of paint. Then smear the paint around to create a design. Then lay the paper on the shaving cream. Lastly, scrape of the excess shaving cream. Let dry. I cannot tell you how much fun I had with both of these designs. After clean up, which was quite a process, we all left and Kelly lead me to the piercing place I went to the week before. I wanted to pick up some individual earrings for my new piercing. I ended up getting four really cute ones. a green butterfly, a pink ladybug, a multi-colored ring and a shamrock w/ a heart.

Now it was time to meet up with Laurie! One of her friends joined us, which happened to be a girl that I knew. We went out and grabbed dinner. In the middle of dinner I realized I had forgotten my wallet at the piercing place. I ran all the way there and they had it! Thank goodness :) On the way back to the restaurant I got a little lost, but I always find my way :) I also met some of the other people who had gone on the history trip with her. All Chapman students, of course. After dinner everyone else split for a nap and Laurie and I went out to a few places.

I showed her Porterhouse (central), the old storehouse, and we stopped into O'Sullivans. Quays, and a few other pubs to listen to the music. It made me really realize that I would have to get a CD of all the Irish pub songs before I left because I would miss them. After all that I had to grab the bus so we said our goodbyes. I was going to spend the whole day with them the next day and crash at their apartment so i could say goodbye in the morning.

Home. I relaxed and stayed up too late. Then fell asleep.

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