Sunday, July 22, 2012

A night on the town

Saturday, July 21st

Ok. Woke up at 3 pm. Watched movies, ate, relaxed. Went outside at about 8 pm because I saw some friends out there I hadn't talked to much. They were all getting ready to go out and tried to convince me to join them. Finally I agreed because one of the guys wanted my help with a girl and I hadn't really gone out with them much.

We get on the bus and there is already trouble. There were some drunken Irish girls in the back and the guy with them called one of the guys I was with a fag because of his jacket. These girls were really feisty and some small fights ended up happening. One girl tried to kick one of our girls in the head for laughing and another hit one of our guys in the face about 3 times for no reason. He just sat their and took it because he wasn't going to hit a girl. The whole ride they were saying stuff and there were a few times where people stood up to fight but we stopped it for the most part.

They were about to get off when one of them said another comment and our guys were on them. After the scuffle they finally got off and one of our guys punched a window. He barely touched it and it broke. We got off the bus at the next stop, and fortunately did not see them again that night.

Our group got separated. Some of us headed one way and the others a different way. A small group of us went to one pub and then we headed to Flannerys. We met up with everyone there, coincidentally. Then we went to a club called the Village. After a few hours there I was in a ton of pain, so we grabbed a taxi and head back at about 2 am. I had been wear new shoes and 4 hours of walking and dancing was a lot for them.

I went straight to bed. I was exhausted. It had been a good night. Maybe a little too eventful at some points but still really good.

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