Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Studio shoot & Pennys

Friday, July 6

I got up and got ready for the shoot. It was pretty easy because there was a make-up artist. I had looked on a map and figured out how to get there the night before, so I had some directions written down. I got on the bus and head over to St. George's St. (where I was meeting the photog and MUA). It was a pretty quick walk. We then went to the photogs friend's house to do my make-up and pick out outfits. The theme was supposed to be vintage, but I think the outfits ended up turning out a little more retro than I was expecting. When I think vintage I think lace and earthy colors, but it was a little more disco, with bright colors. It ended up turning out really cool.

Anyway, we start to do make-up and we're chatting. It is nice to actually have some good conversation running around while I am being made up. I tend to be pretty quite on set, so usually it is pretty quiet while I am getting ready. All three of them kept up a running dialogue. It was a lot of fun.

After I had my make-up on all 4 of us walked over to the studio. It has been a long time since I have shot at a studio. We had the outfits and accessories laid out.  I had 3 outfits. We did standing, laying down, and I also sat on green pillows and a black poof. It was an hour and 15 minutes of almost continual action. Some of the photos are going to turn out amazing.

After the shoot I headed over McDonalds to grab a quick lunch. They had flat screen TVs playing music videos and it was chill. The off to to Dawson St. to meet up with Natalie and one of her friends at a coffee shop called Fixx.  It was really cute. They had books you could read and a lot of room to sit. Natalie and I headed out with wandering around. We were looking for a earring/piercing place to find Natalie and earring for her tragus. It was actually kind of cute. It's almost like a kiask, but it has a little room for piercing and stuff like that. We found it and hit up a few more shops. We stopped at Penneys. This one was at least 3xs the size that I'm used to going. Half the time I walked around in awe. I got the small backpack I would use in Galway and a few other gifts for people.

Then we went to a pub for dinner. I got a Cesar salad but it had bacon in it. It was bad, just weird because I wasn't used to it. We met two Americans there. One was backpacking around Ireland because he thought it would be the safest country. The other was traveling after his friend's wedding. It had been in Hungary and wanted to take the advantage to travel while he was already over here.

McDonalds was another must after diner. We got twisty fries (what America calls curly fries) and dipped them in a caramel sundae. I dropped the first thing of fries but they were nice and gave us a ne one. Then we had to get another thing of fries. It was fun and goofy.

Then we had to part ways because we go on different buses. I stopped and grabbed a few gifts for people then headed home. I stopped and hung out this friends for about half an hour then I packed for Galway. 

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