Sunday, July 1, 2012

Off to the Races!

Saturday, June 30th

    Today was the day I went with my roomies to the horse races. I had never been before, so I was really excited. We got all dressed up in our dresses and floppy hats. We walked to the bus, did a bus transfer, and then got on the train. After we arrived in Kildare there was a courtesy bus to the track. The walk from the bus to the track was pretty long, and not heel friendly. I was really glad I wore my comfortable heels.
    Oh, the outfits we saw. Everyone was dressed to the nines. It made me feel under dressed. There were beautiful hair pieces and very fancy heels. It was spectacular. Throughout the day it rained periodically. The sun would come out, but it was pretty windy the while time. I found it kind of ironic that everyone in their amazing outfits ate tapas and fried food, and beer in cans of cups.

    The Arena was HUGE. for both the horses the the spectators. Watching was a lot of fun. After every race almost the whole crowd would leave the stands to either get their winnings or bet on another race (there were 8 races in all).

     My roommates bet on most of the races, and it was fun to join in with their victories. There was one in particular where they bet on the winner, not just whether the horse placed or not.
Their winning and the betting booklet when Probably won.
  At the end of the races (they went from 3:40-7:40) there was a free concert. It was ok, but we only stayed for three songs. We made sure to take plenty more pictures on the way out, though.
From the track we got back on the bus, then train, then two other buses to get home. We were pretty cold, because after a few days of over 70 degrees (a rarity in Ireland) the wind had been FREEZING! After we got home (the train and the buses together probably took an hour and a half) I took a hot hot shower and got my clothes ready for the next day. I had a photo shoot the next day and needed to get up at 6 am. It was a very fun day. Though, next time I go to horse races (which I will) I am going on days when it is warm. Guess that means no more horse races while I'm here in Dublin. Oh well, it just means I have to go to some in California :)

One more Floppy hat picture just because :D

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