Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Film, Watercolors, and Cornacopia

Thursday, July 5th

I wake up on Natalie's floor (I had missed my bus and stayed with Natalie and Ann). It was actually a pretty good sleep. I got up and got ready for work. Brushed my teeth with my finger, borrow a few other things I needed, and then we headed out to the bus. We got off near city centre and walked the rest of the way. It was about a 20 minute walk. I had to be there because I am supposed to help plan the film camp. Les, the other leader of the camp, was in a meeting, so I didn't have anything to do except work on my blog.

Once the kids got there we started out by watching the video on camera angles again. Then we split into the two groups again to finish the script. One group worked on situations 1-4 (power goes out through before they start telling each other secrets they have kept from one another), and the other group did situations 5-8 (spilling secrets through superheros walking out of building in costume). I'll post the video in a few weeks when it is (hopefully) finished. We finished it!! Well, mostly. I would have to type it up later.

Lunch time! We went with Jade to one of the cafes around where we work. It is blue and closed around 2:30. I got the Irish Breakfast. It was so yummy. It had sausage, a fried egg, beans, and something called white pudding. It probably wasn't actually that good for me. We just chilled for a little while and then when back to relax in the kitchen until all the kids were supposed to get there.

In art today we were doing watercolor. It wasn't just watercolor though, we used crayons first. I drew an eye using blue and green crayons and went over the whole page lightly with varies colors. It was a lot of fun. The kids had a great time. It was amazing some of the pictures the kids came up with. One boy did a zombie that was really cool, and Ann did this beautiful layered design.

After watercolors it was time for Same but Different, but instead we had a going away party for Boxy. He had been coming for years and recently turned 18. The next day he was moving to Canada for the next 6 months. His girlfriend was there and he had not seen her in several months. We chatted, ate jellies, and gave him a card. It was mostly messing but towards the end there was some crying. Everyone cried. I even got emotional and I had only known him for a few weeks.

Ann, Natalie, and I headed out for dinner. We went to a Vegetarian restaurant. For once a restaurant had a listing of what was GLUTEN-FREE. I was shocked and pleased. They even had desserts, beyond ice cream, that I could eat. I just ate a Cesar salad. fruit salad, and a delicious chocolate/raspberry pie thing. Delicious. I had a shoot early the next day, so I headed straight home.

I met up with the girl I was going to Galway with to actually plan our trip that Saturday. We bought our tickets for the bus, pub crawl, and hostel. Then, bed.

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