Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tour guide and eating down

Friday, July 19th

Today I get to hang out with my sorority sister Laurie! I am so excited. They day started out pretty late because we all were up pretty late. Around noon I head out to a charity shop that I had wanted to visit for a long time. I pass it every day on the way to work on the bus. In Ireland they call them charity shops instead of thrift stores. The one time I asked about thrift stores they had no idea what I was talking about.

Anyway, the main reason I wanted to stop was because there was this gorgeous black dress in the window. I tried on a few dresses that I found and the lady got me a few that looked like the one in the window. Unfortunately, none of them fit and they were a bit too dressy. I need up getting a really cute dress. I reminds me a mix of the 50s and the Navy. A great dress for pin-up. I also picked up a book because it was only 20c. It's called "The King of Torts." Does anyone know if it is any good? It looked interesting. And I've heard John Grisham is a really good author.

After I got my purchase, which included running down the street to the ATM and back, I hoped onto the bus and rode down to temple bar. They weren't ready when I arrive so I just hung out with them and talked until they were ready.

Our first stop of the day was at Trinity college. We walked around and took pictures then got in the LONG line for the Library. Actually the line was for the Book of Kells, but we wanted to see the library. The book of Kells was ok. Not too interesting. A guard told me yawning wasn't allowed, but we was joking. Once we entered the Library, though, it was totally different. It was so breathtaking I almost cried. Beautiful dark wood bookcases reaching up two floors. It was like walking into a dream. I was almost sorry I had to leave.

After Trinity we headed off to grab a bite at McDonalds (I eat there WAY too much). Before we left I saw one of the students I work with at the clubhouse. I waved as we were leaving and he kind of squinted at me then there was a dawning of understand. He waves real big and yells "Hi Melissa!" Haha, close enough. He's only met me two or three times, and even the kids who have been there for longer have trouble remembering my name.

The last stop before going out was Penneys. It was a good time :)

We headed back and talked to the other girls who came for a bit then got ready. We grabbed a pizza and fries (I got all the fries;)) and started with some whiskey and sprite. It was gross. Close to midnight we finally left.

The first club we went to was called club Sin. A person got us all in for free, but it wasn't very good. The DJ was off a bit with mixing. We ended up leaving after half an hour. Next was Club M, we got in there for free as well. I was a lot of fun. We were having a girls night, so we had to keep warding off boys. Finally around 1:30 we went to Madonna. We walked in and then walked out. It was terrible.

We decided to head back to the room for a while just to chill. About 2:45 we went back out, but everything was closed so we got fries and went back to our rooms. The next couple hours we were. We  watched some TV and tried to stay awake since they had to get up at 5:30. I ended up sleeping on and off from 4 am to 5:45. So, I got maybe an hour and a half of sleep. We all got packed and they got ready to leave. I said my goodbyes and headed to see if the bus was running yet. It was, fortunately. I didn't think it would be so I scouted the opening times for Starbucks and McDonalds.

I got on at about 6:45 am and headed home. After getting back to my apartment I skyped my mom at 7 am, my time. After getting off at 8 am I fell asleep for the next 7 hours. It had been a really good night. I am so glad my sister was able to come visit after her travel course.

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