Sunday, July 15, 2012

Beach Shoot DAY

Saturday, July 14th

Today was photo shoot day. I slept in because I didn't have to leave until 4 or 5 to get to the shoot at 6. I watched TV and got ready for the shoot. With everything packed, lunch and breakfast eaten, and a clean face I headed off to meet the photographer at the mall. He was giving me a ride to the beach so that I wouldn't get lost.

It took about 15 minutes to walk there, and then the car ride was about half an hour. We met the make-up artist and I started in on make-up before the other girls got there. The premiss of the shoot was a group of friends just hanging out on the beach. It was a life style shoot, which are one of my favorite type of shoots to do. I was surprised at the end of getting my make-up done because the make-up artist put barely any mascara on. I pride myself in my long lashes, so I was a bit confused. She wanted it to be natural. I know what natural is, but whenever I do natural it usually means no fake lashes, not that I am barely going to wear any mascara to the point where you can just barely see my lashes. Oh well, I'm sure the photos will turn out great, and other than that the make-up artist was really good at what she did and very nice.

The cast of models consisted of 5 of us. There were 3 girls and 2 boys. Even though all of them had been living in Ireland for years only one was actually Irish. One of the girls was from latvia and the other from Nigeria. The other guy was from Poland. It was quite a cast.

The shoot started out with us all walking on the beach to one of the locations. We sat in the sand and on some dunes. We even ran down a sandy hill about three or four times. I fell once. Toppled straight over and ended up landing on my back. Well, I kind of landed on my head and rolled over onto my back. It was a lot of fun. We also took photos splashing in the water. I even got a piggyback ride (jockey back).

At first everyone was pretty quiet but I was goofy and animated and it didn't take too long to get them animated. We were laughing in no time. As the photographer said, "It takes the American." lol. By the end of the day we felt like we were actually good friends. The rest of the night was spent eating and relaxing because I didn't get home until after 10.

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