Sunday, July 22, 2012

Working hard or hardly working

Wednesday, July 18th

We all thought today would be a pretty easy day for the music camp. Normally a guy comes in and works on making instruments with the kids. So, before he came we made it our mission that each kid would have a song of their own that they had written. We all, including the kids, got so carried away that we didn't even notice that Ed didn't show up. One thing we can say is that we succeeded. Now, a few of them still need to type their songs up and most need to use garageband to add background music. Some kids were a little tougher to get going but we did it!

Lunch as out day. We went to a cafe that I call the "Blue Cafe" because I don't know its name. I had been looking forward to getting the Irish breakfast there for the last couple days. It is always yummy, but sometimes a little too much meat to eat. The three of us girls went and then Pauline and Gina joined us later. We had a fun chat and enjoyed our meal, but it was back to the grind.

In the Art Camp today we were making signs to advertise for the showcase/crafts fair. These signs would be hung around Dublin 8 to try and get people to come and buy what the kids had made. Of course the kids got bored quickly but we did get some signs done. I really do hope we can get people in, so that the kids can feel successful. After working on that for quite awhile it was time for the meeting. There was a meeting with the parents about having a kids fun run to raise awareness and funds. It was mostly a planning meeting to see how people felt about it and what they might want to take place.  It was short so we hung out with Kelly and Jade for a little while after.

After work I headed off to a Starbucks with Natalie and Anne. One of my sisters from my sorority was visiting so I needed wifi to try and get ahold of her. At about 9 o'clock I headed home. While I was waiting I had a lovely drink. It was mango and passion fruit. It had tea in it and tasted really good, and it tasted good without begin too sweet. I found out she had fallen asleep and since the sun stays up so long she didn't know what time it was when she got up. It was totally fine because I got to spend a lot of time with her the next two days.

Home I relaxed, ate a late dinner, and went to bed later than I should have (as usual).

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