Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday the 13th

Friday, July 13th

It's Friday the 13th, oh no! I slept in late because I had stayed up late trying to Skype with my mom. I haven't been able to sleep in for a while, so it was nice. Answered some e-mails and worked on my blog a little. Before I starting working on my blog I went grocery shopping, first time in almost two weeks. 

I went to Henry St. because I have not been there yet. I stopped at the Pennys quick to see if they had a pair of jeans I had wanted. They didn't, but I picked up some nail polish since the stuff from my Friday shoot was badly chipped. 

From there I headed to the Tescos across the street. I walked around a lot trying to find stuff. European grocery stores are so hard to navigate. Everything is labeled weird and in weird spots. AND they don't pizza sauce. I just made my own pizza sauce with tomato sauce, italian seasoning, and garlic powder. It didn't taste too bad. Actually, it tasted pretty good. Anway, by the time I got up to the cash register my hands were shaking. My basket was really heavy. 

I took everything home on the bus and cooked for the next hour or hour and a half. I didn't taste the pizzas, but they look good, so fingers crossed. I spent the rest of the evening blogging (I did about 5 of them), relaxing, and getting prepared for the next day. I went to bed around 2 am.

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