Sunday, July 22, 2012

Emotional talks

Tuesday, July 17th

We were having a meeting today, so we had to be there at 10:30 instead of 11:30. Well... my alarm sucks and I think I pressed stop instead of snooze. I got up an hour later than I was supposed to, but I'm awesome and got ready in 25 minutes. I head out to the bus and didn't have to wait too long, fortunately.

On the other hand there was an accident on the road, so we were stuck for about 10 minutes. Then to make matters worse the bus kept breaking down. It took forever to get there, but I was only 15 minutes late.

The meeting was about how we felt we were connecting with the kids. How we affect them and how they affect us. What it really means to us to work there and why we work there. It was pretty emotional.  It lasted for about an hour and a half, so the kids got there and we had to end it. It was inspiring. It reminded my why I always seem to end up working with kids.

Today was a film day. We spent the whole time reading and practicing lines. It was a tough camp because they had to concentrate the whole time. At the end we had them working on costumes for fun.

This was a staying in for lunch day. I made soup and chatted with Brandon. It was an invigorating conversation about all kinds of topics.

After lunch we came back and painted flower pots as well as working on designing mirrors and working on frames. Very fun.

After work I headed off to Dicey's as per usual. I hang out with some new friends I met there and helped comfort a girl when a guy was a jerk. Then grabbed some food at McDonalds before I headed off to catch the bus. We all went home and got straight to bed.

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