Sunday, July 29, 2012


Monday, July 23rd

I had a lot of trouble sleeping sunday night because I had slept the majority of the weekend.I got up later than I should have but got to work on time. As I dressed I chose my new flare jeans, and they made me feel like  hippy :) I've always wanted to be a hippy.

Waiting for the bus I was nervous. I was taking the same number of bus that we met the vicious people on Saturday night. I looked totally different and doubt they would have done anything even if they were on the bus that early in the day. It was a little silly anxiety.

At work we worked with some new students on music. There were a few that had never written anything, so it was really hard to get them going. After the two hours I was a bit frustrated, but two out of the three had lyrics, even if I ended up writing half of them.

At lunch I brought food. It said it was wheat free, but I didn't check the package closely enough because it must've had gluten. By the end of lunch I was really not feeling well. I got sick, but mostly my headache was what bothered me. Drinking a lot of water really helped. I had to warn everyone because when I get glutened I get really moody and irritated.

During art the kids worked on making octopuses out of gym socks. I helped a little, but mostly folded cards that they were going to sell. Some ended up being really cute.

It was a long day so one of the young kids stayed and the normal older kids were there. We just hung out and kind of worked on projects. There was a lot of slagging going on, but that has become pretty normal in our office.

I still wasn't feeling my best, so I think I just headed straight home. I can't quite remember, but with how I was feeling that would make the most sense.

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