Friday, July 13, 2012

Beads, scripts, and new piercings

Tuesday, July 10th

I called in the morning to see about my phone and they said they wouldn't know until about 1:30 pm that day. I was so anxious to get it back, but I now I'd survive.

Tuesday was a film day, so I was helping lead. Les was really late, so we didn't have anything to discuss. Not long before the kids got there I starting typing up the script. It was only about 5 pages in all typed, but it took me nearly 2 hours. By the time I was done it was 1:30 and the kids were to leave at 2.  We had them think about costumes and look at the script for a minute. Then they went home.

I had brought my lunch but I went with Anne and Jade to the fish and chips place down the street. I ate my sandwich and apple then I got chips. After we ate we also got 2 euro soft serve. The soft serve here is really good because it is really creamy. It tastes more like whipped cream or cream you might put in coffee. A lot less milky. Anyway, it was yummy and we head back to start on art.

For art the kids worked on the mosaics again, as well as making beads. A lot of kids weren't there because it was a swimming day. At first we were using the wrong stuff for the ears, but then we finally got the right clay. The rest of the day we made cute, colorful beads to use in our wind chimes, and if didn't use them in the wind chimes we could use them to make jewelry to sell. We are really trying to get money for the clubhouse because the staff would really like to take the kids on more trips. Trips cost a lot of money and have to pay to use the van that they own (lame, but its the rules). THe beading was a bit frustrating, but we (mostly the adults) ended up making some really cool ones.

After crafts it was time to go home. We had to clean up so we got off around 5:15. Before I headed to Diceys to meet up with my friends I went with Anne and Jade to get my ear pierced. I had been wanting to do this for years and it finally was a good time, and a good souvenir. The three of us went and I was a little nervous. After it was done I was super excited about it the rest of the day. I was SOOO glad I got it done. The place was really small and in the middle of the mall. Almost like a kiosk. It was only 8 euro and would have been 6 if I had just gotten the ball instead of the "diamond". I was totally in love with it right after it happened.

I met some new people that I had not known before and hung out with the usually crowd. It was a lot of fun. The guy that gets us into the penthouse every week was there and so was one of his new employees. Towards the end of the night I was trying to teach her how to dance. It was pretty funny since she is a good 5 or so years older than me.

I headed out with my friends and we missed the bus by about 5 minutes. Then waited for what we thought was going to be the bus, but the bus ended up only going to city center (not even close to where we lived) so we had to grab a taxi. I went straight to bed. Or as straight to bed as I tend to go.

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