Sunday, July 1, 2012

Photo shoot day

Sunday, July 1st

      Yay! We're in July. I have about a month left, and only hope I can get everything done that I want to. Well, today was the day of my photo shoot. I started talking to the photographer about Thursday or Friday. He had had a cancelation and was looking for someone to shoot. Knowing me I couldn't pass up the opportunity. He is a fabulous photographer that really understand about the most important things in photography; light, focus, and angle. The only bad thing was that I had to get up at 6 am.
     To tell you a little bit about him: He does photography in his spare time and works as a stage manager for a TV studio. He has been married for 4 years and has two really young kids. He loves photography and would love to do it as a career (which is the same way I feel about modeling).
  So the shoot today was supposed to be pretty natural. It was done in a park, but the parks here are not really parks. They are almost nature preserves. They are huge and we even saw deer out today. After natural images we were to take a few high fashion images as well. 
     The day started out pretty well. I got ready pretty quickly, and it was easy to get out of bed. I even had a little time to eat before I left. On the way to the park we were meeting at I got a little lost. See, I was walking there and the walk took about 40 minutes. I miss understood the directions I had written compared to the map I remembered looking at. I was about 15 minutes late because I went completely out of my way. 
Found this photo on Google. It is not my property. There weren't tat many deer when we were there.

   When I did make it to the park we found out it was actually closed, so we drove over to the park we had originally planned on going to. We had decided against it at first because I could not figure out how to get there, since my only form of transportation is by bus. When we arrived there the shoot started. It started out pretty well but the wind was numbing, so I had to keep putting on my jacket, and the mitts (slang for mittens) he brought for me, due to the fact that I don't have any and can't find any here, between shooting areas. He got the natural photos he wanted within an hour, so we took a few higher fashion ones. He was very considerate and did everything he could to not offend me. He even apologized for moving my hair. 
   We were trying to figure out how I was going to get home. The traffic was so light he drove me to a place that was only a 15 minute walk from my apartment. Of course, this was after there was some miss communication about where I lived. Many of the names of streets are also names of areas in Dublin. I told that I lived near Ballymun when i should have said Ballymun Rd. One of them is in a different part of Dublin than the other. Very different. 
    I've been home for a few hours and have just been watching TV and downloading photos. I am tired from getting up so early after so little sleep. I'm also a little sore from the walk today, walking around a lot yesterday, and my workout the day before yesterday. I have no idea what else I am going to do today, but I think it may mostly be just relaxing since I have work tomorrow. We start the summer camps. We will be doing Song writing, crafts, and a little program called "Same But Different."

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