Sunday, July 29, 2012

Last Tuesday- filming, bullying, friends

Tuesday, July 24th

I guess I'm still not used to how early the sun comes up. My blinds were closed, but there was enough room at the bottom for light to get through. I had gone to bed at about 10 to 11 the night before and ended up getting up around 9:45. That is another way you can tell I need healing. I can fall asleep earlier, but I stay asleep longer.

I felt better when I got up, but still a bit off. Today was a film day so I had to be there a little earlier. It seems that whenever I get on the bus nowadays it has to stop and change drivers. It doesn't bother me too much, but it is slightly annoying if I'm late. Fortunately, I wasn't late that day.

We got quite a bit of the film done. One kid forgot his clothes, but we just had to make due. There wash't an option for him to go home and get them or wait another day. Overall, the filming was pretty good. A bit frustrating because you are trying to get 9 year olds to act and be quiet, but good all the same. I spent a lot of time sitting the script. Cutting things out, changing lines. All that lovely stuff.

After that was lunch. I ate in again, as usual. Had tea and my egg/rice combo. It was relaxing and pretty yummy. One of the girls grabbed me a few chocolates. We started watching the movie again, but I was asked to go with Des to swimming. They need one male and one female with the kids when they take them swimming. It's a child protection legal type thing.

Des and I just sat there and talked while the kids were swimming. We ate crisps and I drank my water. Quite peaceful and relaxing really. Unfortunately, there was some bullying between the boys. I'm not going to talk about it on here but it was very saddening. They are all so young, and already starting to bully each other. And this is not slagging or joking around. This is straight out of the textbook bullying. Hopefully, things were fixed. I know they were talked about but it's at least being talked about. I think they are going to do an anti-bullying program soon. Just so they know what is allowed and what will happen if they do bully.

After all that I headed off to the usually place. Diceys was packed. Some of my friends didn't get into the penthouse because too many people had heard about it and gone past the number. Even one of the guys that works for the guy who gets us in got there too late to get in. It was sad. Mainly, I was there to hang out with people because it was going to be my last time. I'm not going this Tuesday because of a work party, and my mom is going to be here. Both very god reasons to not go. I am going to miss everyone I normally see there.

On the way to the bus I always stop and get food. At my bus stop a woman was begin for money and food. We wasn't like everyone else who just stand there with a cup she was going up to people. When I told her I didn't have change she said she'd take my food. I was insulted. It was the first thing I was eating since lunch and I told her that, then walked on. Later she rudely yelled at these guys, saying that they were, "gay anyway." They yelled that there was no problem with being gay, but she yelled it about 3 more times. Then she got on a bus and left.

The rest of the ride home was peaceful. I talked to some people I knew and when I got home I spent about 3 hours searching for houses. I sent out a bunch of requests, then fell asleep at about 3 or 4 am.

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