Sunday, July 29, 2012

Awake and ready to...record?

Wednesday, July 25th

I woke up feeling wide awake. I knew I must've been better. Especially, because I had gone to bed so late. One of the first things I do after getting ready is make breakfast (one egg with cheese and ketchup). Unfortunatly, none of my roommates had done their dishes from the night before, so the sink was full. It was ok because I normally try to wash my dishes right away, and I knew they would do them a little later.

On the way to work I got off a stop early to grab some water. I haven't been doing well with staying hydrated here because the water that comes out of the tap doesn't taste very good. I stopped at a Tesco (the most common grocery store) and picked up a 2 liter that was only 49c. That's pretty amazing if I do have to say so.

Today was another music day. While everyone else was working upstairs, or should I say trying to control the kids who were in utter chaos, I was downstairs recording people singing their songs to that they could add them to the tracks they had made on garage band. I found out the first hour I had been recording it hadn't been we had to start all over. We ended up finishing only one song that session.

Lunch we headed out to Mannings as a group again. It was Gina, Natalie, Brandon, Anne, Jade, and me. I got two salads and some cheese. It was actually a REALLY good decision. Brandon sat at a table separate from us because our table was pretty crowded. We talked about nonsense and then headed back to the clubhouse for the afternoon camp.

Everyone else worked on crafts and I continued the records. We got almost everyone done this time. Some of them were REALLY cute. The songs varied immensely on subject and how well written they were. The end of the day was spent not he computers relaxing. Gina listened to the records. In the end it had been pretty successful.

After work Anne, Brandon and I decided to grab some food. It had been a long day and we were hungry. We ate at Eddie Rockets. It was actually pretty good. I got a burger in a bowl (a salad with a burger and cheese on top) and Anne and I split a chocolate milkshake. It was pretty satisfying. I headed home from there and said bye to my roommates that evening. Two of them were leaving to travel other places, and then head home. Their program ended a week earlier than mine did.

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