Sunday, July 1, 2012

Friday, June 29th

           Time to sleep in. I thought I had a photo shoot today, but apparently I was a week off. I cleaned up the mess I had made while I was sick and went to go get a floppy hat for the races the next day. I had sent much of the day looking online, but the stores always have different things in stock online than they actually do at the store. I went off to get one. I walked around for quite a while, and finally went to Penney's after quite a while. It is my fall back. I never go shopping and since I HAD to because I had no suitcase I found a lot of things I just really liked.
          Anyway, I found one there for only 5 euro and it was actually pretty cute. The one other place I saw them didn't have any cute ones. I came back and went for a run then and crashed for a little while. At one point heard people in the kitchen. I made some new friends. We went to the Comet and got some munchies. Then I went to bed pretty early because we had the races the next day.

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