Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27-Thursday June, 28th

    This is sick day number two. My voice was pretty much gone. I called in and then e-mailed our supervisor to ask for work. She didn't have anything for me. She just wanted me to get better. I stayed in bed until about 4pm, but I really needed to get groceries because I was out of almost everything.
      Walking to Tescos was really tough. I felt like I had a fever, but knew I really had to get food. I got everything I needed except tea. I forgot to look there and the convince store next to us only has english tea. I wanted herbal tea.
   Walking back was torture. The bags were heavy and I felt awful. It has never felt like that long of a walk before. Normally it takes about 10-15 minutes to walk home and I swear it took at least 20. Maybe longer.
  I put all my groceries away and got some water from the store, the tap water is disgusting. I spent the rest of the day in bed and going through my e-mails. I went to bed early but still felt sick when I got up on Thursday. I had even laid out my clothes for the next day.
    I slept in late. I've been in bed most of the day, but had not taken any medication. I want to see if not taking any will help me get better quicker. I've taken to eating honey on a lot of things lately, and will probably have some on green apples soon. I'm trying to eat better, but my roommates have place chocolate in the kitchen. Out in the open. It is really hard not to eat it. I also bought popcorn yesterday for my roommate and she got some too, so we have a ton. I ate pretty much a whole bag today, and I don't even really like popcorn.
  The rest of today will be spent in bed and eating. I think I will go grab an apple and some nuts now.

It's been really warm in Dublin. It went from low 60s to 70s in the past week. The humidity is pretty high too. The rain is kind of funny as well. Sometimes it rains when the sun is out but it is light, and almost refreshing. Other times it is just light. Like the sky is spitting. It is almost hard to notice then.

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