Thursday, June 28, 2012

Tuesday, June 26th

      I was feeling a lot better and was the first intern to work today. Today we were to finalize some plans for the summer camps. After doing that we went on a little field trip to a place called the chicken shop. It is a nickname of course. Rarely, are places called their actual names in Dublin. I didn't see anything there that I wanted, but I'm extremely picky. The others grabbed some soups for 1 euro that are normally 4 euros a piece. It was a fun little trip, but it definitely tired me out.
   The children came back around 4:30 and worked on crafts and projects. While the others were working with the kids I worked on making signs for the camps. There is a schedule on the wall, so it makes it a lot easier this way.
  After work I headed to Dicey's. It was a very long evening. It was fun at first, but I wanted to go home early, and no one else did. Instead I waited to leave with everyone else. We got back really late and I had lost my voice from trying to talk over the music. I was much worse the next day than I had been on Monday. I learned my lesson. If you go out just to be with friends don't be afraid to leave early so your health doesn't get worse.

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