Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20th

It was an easy morning to get up. I had slept well from all the dancing the night before. I get up and head to work. I had no idea what to expect because neither of the first two days was even close to the same. I arrive about five minutes late and we start talking about who would like to head each camp. I am working on the song writing and film making camps.

Around 1 we got "kicked out" because an adult group meets here for two hours. The four of us head out to lunch. We stop at one cafe that was really disappointing. The selection was very small and they weren't even serving the smoothies they had on the menu! I was so sad. Fortunately, I brought my own lunch, but I was still disappointed. We stopped at a grocery store on the way as well and I finally tried a Haribo Ice Cream push pop. YUM! I am addicted. They even have the gummy bears in the stick.

We hung out with our other coworkers in the kitchen until after 3pm. The kids were still not due back from hip hop, but another kids group came in. They were working on a marketing project, they all had to be younger than 10. They had to create a project. Each group had a different product. Group one had a boxing inspired restaurant, group two chose a sweet shop, and group three choose honey. The had to create a logo, packaging, a name for the product, and a slogan. Boy, they were disorganized. It was hard to get any one of them to actually talk about the project.

Around 4 the kids left and the other kids came back from hip hop. They showed us some of the moves they learned. Some of us even tried to learn the moves. It was fun, and slightly embarressing. Before that Natalie and I didn't have anything to do so we sat their and just sang some songs. While waiting for the high schoolers to get there Brandon started to teach me a little guitar. My fingers still hurt a little bit. lol. I even practiced piano and drums a little bit.

Once the high schoolers got there we just hung out. We left around 7 pm. I saw one of my friends on the bus because she had gotten lost on the way back. We chatted on the bus.

When I got home I made some REALLY good and delicious tacos. Then chilled with friends until after 11. Man, I was really tired. My bed felt so comfortable that night!

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