Monday, June 25, 2012

Thursday, June 21

Last day of work for the week! In the morning I was waiting for the bus. A homeless man was standing there so the bus driver drove quite passed him. Once I got on the driver shut the doors and would not let him in. Apparently, there are a lot of homeless in Dublin.

Today was the day of the going away party, how exciting! Laura is going back  to her home in the country since the term and her placement are over. We worked on paperwork before the kids got there and I had a yummy rice and egg mix at lunch.  They arrived and we started the party. Too much sugar was eaten and tiredness followed. Finally, around 7pm 2 fellow interns and one of our coworkers went to a pub and got food.

We went to a pub pretty much right across the street. It was a little skeezy but fun to go into. Beforehand we went to a fish and chips place. Oh my gosh! The burger and fries I got were awesome. The burger had shredded cheese and some kind of mayo. BUT the may even was the fries. THey were smothered in a creamy garlic sauce and topped with melted cheese. It was sooooo good. I definitely plan to get them again since they are so close to my work.

We spent nearly two hours there just eating, drinking, and relaxing. After we were done we walked down to college green to my favorite pub, so far. It is called Porterhouse because they brew all their own bears. We met of with the 2 other interns' friends and hung out until 11. I had a lovely drink called a French Martini. It was very tasty and a nice treat after a long day.

A little after 11 I proceeded to head home. The last bus leaves at 11:30 and I wanted to make sure i got the right one. After asking three different people I got the right one. I missed the one I normally took, but I was able to take a different number that would drop me off in the same area.

The last girl I asked was so kind. After I missed the number 13 she told me about the next one, which I already knew. It was raining a little, but I had been running around so I had my jacket off. This man kept telling me I should put my jacket on. I explained about five times why I had it off. Also, it was really hard to understand him. His accent was really thick and he kept asking me a lot of questions. When the bus was coming the girl tapped me and told me. She then whispered to me that if he went on the same bus as me just go upstairs (the buses all have two levels). I don't know how she knew he was going to stay on the first floor, but he didn't follow me upstairs when I passed him. I still can't get over how kind she was. She didn't even know me and was trying to protect me.

I was nervous about getting off at the right stop that I was at attention the whole time. I was able to get off at the right place, but when I first got off I thought I had gotten off at the wrong stop (everything looks different at night). I got home and hung out with friends until pretty late. I stayed up and Skyped with my parents. At least, I am pretty sure it was that night. I went to bed even later and got up pretty late on Friday.

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