Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday, June 18th (My first day)

                It is Monday morning and I wake up really early. Well, early compared to what time I needed to be up by. I woke up at about 8 am and made myself go back to sleep until about 9 am. Most of my friends had already left for work because their jobs started around 9 am. I casually get ready for the day and look up the bus that I will need to take after work to meet everyone at the pub. After getting ready I walk to the bus (I give myself an hour and a half to get there) and I arrive a half our early. I was the first one here, besides my supervisor Gina. Unfortunately, we didn't get to meet her at our group interview because she was sick. She talked me me about what work was going to be like for the next two weeks, because the littlest ones were still in school, and what was expected for the summer schedule. A student was coming in that she had to work with photography on, so we were left to explore the center.

Then it was lunch. Gina showed us a cute little cafe near where were work and the four of us ate their for lunch. When we got back it was meeting time, they had a lot to catch up on since the clubhouse had been closed for nearly two weeks. The basic idea fort he summer is that there will be several "camps" the kids can be involved in. Ones we talked about included film, song writing, and visual arts. Another program that will be going on this summer is called "Same, but Different." The activities involved in the program are as follows; a mural with the kids hands as leaves, a flash mob, and a documentary. It is meant to look at diversity, but to also bring it all back to the fact that no matter how different we may be we also have a lot in common.

The meeting was barely finished when the 8-12 year old kids joined us. There were not that many that day, but it was fun. Some of the kids got straight down to projects but most just wanted to play around. In summary, we were in the music room, wondered around and took photos, drew people as computers, and dance in the background of a "music video." Boy, it can surprise you how these kids rap. They are pretty good, but VERY foul. We are going to try and use the song writing class to clean up their language, and teach them that not all good rap and dirty rap. They let us off at 5 because not many of the teenagers come in. They are all taking tests for under division work.

One of my coworkers showed me where the pub was that I was meeting my friends and we spent the rest of our day there watching the Italy v. Ireland match and chatting about our first day of work. A lot of people aren't liking their jobs. It isn't related to their major or what they want to do. All in all I had a very good first day.

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