Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sunday, June 24th

           Today is the day of our trip to Newgrange. It was probably the earliest morning I had had in a while. I got up around 7:30 and got ready. I headed to the bus with two of my roomies to get downtown. When we got there we found out that our bus trip had changed. The women who was originally going to lead our trip had gotten sick. Her brother had been able to take the group the day before us, but was not available to lead our trip Sunday. The bus we were going to take was not going to leave until ten, so we headed towards the bus station.
   When we arrived there we still had half an hour before the bus left. The whole group just browsed the store there. I found out a very interesting fact. A lot of their magazines come with something. One came with lipgloss or eyeliner. Another one came with a pair of sunglasses. One even came with a tank top. There were also packs of magazines being sold together.
    Finally it was time to get on the bus. Our first stop is the "Hill of Tara." It was cold and their were no pathways. First, we watched a film in the castle about the hill, and then we walked around the two burial grounds. It was kind of cool, but it was also cold and at one point started raining. Fortunately, it only rained for a minute or two. Sometimes you just don't know what to expect around here. When we got back I wondered around the very small shop. I ended up getting a cute little soup mug.
   Next it was onto Newgrange, the second largest burial cite of its kind. Along the way we stopped to look at a castle. It was too far to actually go to the castle, but we took pictures from outside of it.
    We crossed a river before we stopped, we crossed many rivers that way. On the other shore of the river were donkeys! They were sooo cute :)
   At Newgrange we started with lunch. I got a twice baked potato, but I think it must've had flour in it because it made me sick :( To actually get to Newgrange we had to take a 5 minute bus ride. Three little boys were standing outside paying their fiddles. The oldest boy was smiling and trying to play to the crowd. The youngest boy looked very anger. It was kind of funny. It was probably because they were out there all day trying to play for tips. 
    The burial cite was pretty cool. It was huge, but only held ashes from 5 people instead of the 200 that was in the small burial cite on the Hill of Tara. They showed us how the sun comes in on the shortest day of the year. It was beautiful. After that we left to go home. I spent most of the rest of the day hanging out. I did some cooking and hung out with friends. Headed to bed early.

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