Monday, June 11, 2012

Nightmares Among Terminals

So the 10th was my day of travel and it went terribly. Everywhere I turned something else went awry. The only thing that went right was that my flights were on time. The trouble starts even before my departure date. The night before I am supposed to leave I check-in online. We then receive a message saying my flight number has ben changed and I have to be re-ticketed at the airport (it can't be done online). I sleep barely a few hours that night and wake up  dehydrated. On the way to the airport I start to feel queazy because of low blood sugar. Fortunately, I have a few snacks that help fix that. At the airport we have to wait in a not too long line, but it was taking about 10 minutes with each person. Finally, this nice guy does it all for us, but when my suitcase is being weighed I realize it is the wrong one. So, basically, I have no baggage for my two month Ireland Internship. Bu this point I'm tired, very stressed and in tears, at this time I haven't even reached security yet. Security goes fine but the last people are boarding for my flight. I hurry on. Arriving in Boston, my layover, I try to buy a shirt so that I have something to wear the next day. And the card I got specifically for travel is declined, I had never used it. I call and it is not connected an account. Apparently, they wanted to know all the places I was traveling before they would hook-up the account. In tears yet again. It is fixed and I hang up as they call for boarding. Next, they don't have any gluten-free meals on board because I didn't order one. I guess it's a good thing I brought lots of food for myself. After landing in Ireland I find out the group I was going to meet had a delayed flight. Several times I just wanted to quit and go home.

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