Sunday, June 17, 2012

Thursday, June 14th

It is the interview day! I stay up the night before examining the route I am supposed to take. The next morning I getup, get ready, and head out to the bus. I get off one stop too late and walk in the wrong direction for about 5 minutes. Some one was able to tell me where I was supposed to go and I still made it there about half an hour early. No one was there and I had to wait until almost 2 before anyone showed up. Some other students from the same program as me are working their as well. When our interviewer shows up, our supervisor had been sick for about two weeks so the interview was moved back a day so some one else could interview us, he opened the door and we went upstairs. It is a very small quaint place. We will mostly be working with 8-12 year olds because the center has been labeled as only being for geeks. This is because much of what is done involves training on various computer programs. In my opinion it is actually pretty cool, because the are teaching kids (the program goes up to 18 years old) how to do blog design or photoshop. So back to the interview. It was the four of us. Basically, he just had us ask questions and then showed us around. That night my group had the welcome dinner. It was accompanied with Irish music and the food was really good. We stopped at a out close by and then joined more people at a different pub. I had my first night out. One of the interns' boss got us into a VIP section and it was a lot of fun. We were out until nearly 2 am. We all went to bed right away because we had orientation at 9:30 in the morning.

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