Thursday, June 28, 2012

Monday, June 25th

    I woke up feeling terribly sick. I think it was a mix of a couple different things. I had already been a little sick, and then gluten always messes me up for a few days after. I spent the day in bed, but I originally planned to just go in late.
    I called in in the morning so that they knew I wouldn't be in until later. I got up around noon (the time I am supposed to start work) and started to get ready. I didn't feel well, but continued to get ready. On the way to the bus I considered turning around and just heading back home. As I arrived at the bus stop so did the bus. It was perfect timing. I got on the bus and headed up to the second floor, like I always do. Not long after I got on there was an announcement that we all had to get off the bus and get onto the next one. Apparently, a man was passed out on the bus. They couldn't wake him up, so everyone had to get off the bus to take him to the hospital.
  In the ten minutes I was waiting for the bus my head got heavy and foggy. I decided I didn't want to get anyone sick, and that I would not be any use to anyone at the office. It would probably just make me more sick.
  I spent the rest of the day in bed. I did create a form for work, but I was just too exhausted to do anything else. This was my first initial sick day, but I've had two more since then. I just can't seem to get better.

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