Thursday, June 21, 2012

Tuesday, June 19th

I was soo tired this morning. It was really hard to get up, but I was excited to see what my second day of work had in store. I get to work and there is not much for us to do. The kids were going to go swimming today, so we just hung around for a little while. After being here for about an hour they sent us home. There wasn't going to be much to do after the kids got back from swimming.

The four of us decided to go grab lunch instead of just going straight home. We went to a sandwich shop, but I didn't get anything, because I intended to make a lunch when I got home. It took about an hour to get home on the bus, as usual, and then went grocery shopping. Gosh, it is a LOONG walk from the grocery store. I met up with one of the girls I hang out with a met everyone at a pub. We met some really cool people, and danced all night long. I met two guys from Brazil that were staying in Ireland for a few months. I also met some people that came from Illinois. It was a really fun night. It was easy to sleep that night.

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