Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Netherlands- Day 1

(Saturday)- Get up between 5 am and 6 am. Go to our taxi and 7 am. My friend Lexi joined us for the ride. Through security really early. Chill out and eat since we didn’t know which gate ours was yet. Saw my friend Brandon. He was going to Amsterdam too, but at a different time.

Slept whole flight and taxied for a long time. Our bags were the first ones and got through customs quickly. Pete was there waiting for us with a big smile and lots of kisses. We packed her small car to the gills with our suitcases and headed to her place. 

We had an amazing salad for lunch. It was probably the best salad I had had all summer. It was lettuce, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, green beans, mini-potatoes, and mozzarella balls. I threw on a tiny bit of italian dressing and it was golden. I’m definitely going to try and make it at home.

After “lunch” (it was about 3 pm) we headed off to one of Pete’s son’s new place, but first we went to the village he and his girlfriend used to live in. It was ity-bity and there was no way two cars could drive down the same street. We walked around, up and down the canal for about an hour. Then, we drove to the village next door and went to a memorial fora church. It had a spot where you could sit down and look at nature while listening to some classical music. Right across the street was the smallest candy store in Holland. It was about the size of the bathroom in my last apartment. About 9 ft. sq. It was really cute :)

At about 5 or 5:30 we were at Laurens’s and Mandy’s new house. They had designed it and had it built. They made fun of my for not eating fish, which seemed to be a theme the whole time I was there. It was fine, just playful slagging. I just ate the spinach and the potatoes they had made in their new unit. It was a big black block that had a streamer, coffee maker, and small oven on top, and a freezer, refrigerator, and dishwasher on bottom. I had never seen anything like it before. It was really interesting.

After dinner we hung out until the others got there because we all were celebrating Laurens’s birthday.We stayed until about 10:30 talking with people, eating cheese, and drinking plenty of wine.

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