Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Netherlands- Day 2

(Sunday)- This was a pretty long day, but it was a lot of fun. We slept in and relaxed. We started our day with yogurt and fruit then got ready for our walk. We went over to a forested area. We walked for quite a ways along a beautiful path. It ran along a river. We saw ducks and deer and bunnies. It started to rain, but we just kept walking and taking pictures. 

At one point we stopped at a shelter that had been put up for hikers. We ate a little fruit and crisps for lunch. It was peaceful. Once we were done eating and the rain stopped we started walking towards the beach.

By the time we got there the sun was out and it was nice and warm. The water was very shallow so I walked quite far out while mom and Pete satin the sand. We collected a bunch of shells and sat in the sand for a while.

Next we walked up the beach. Boy, that was a loooong walk. In town we stopped for ice cream before walking the last half hour to the car. In all it took about 5 hours. Let’s just say I was feeling it that night.

Pete made a VERY good chili. It definitely hit the spot after such a long day. We had to get up early the next morning.

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