Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Netherlands Day 6 & 7

(Thursday)- I got to sleep in again! I ate breakfast and then they went to get groceries while I relaxed. I had lost my red notebook at some point during the week so they went to check the shops for me. They got back and we ate lunch then they went on a bike ride. A longer one. I showered and got ready. Worked on a paper I was writing and my journals. 

It was a pretty relaxing day. Around 6 Laurens and Mandy came over for our last dinner. We ended with the same thing we had when we first got there, the salad. We all just talked, had sparkling wine, and ate. It was very pleasant, and the food was amazing as usual. It was bitter sweet, but I was ready to go at the same time. I had been gone for two months and was ready to go home.

That evening we packed everything and relaxed. Our last night. 

Friday morning we got up around 5:30 am and got ready to leave. I always feel sick that early, so I couldn’t really eat anything. About 6:30 we were on our way back to the airport. We check in (everything was under weight!!!) and headed to security. We said our goodbyes. Lots of kisses and love. Goodbye Europe, it has been quite an adventure!!

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