Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Netherlands day 4

(Tuesday)- We woke up late an ate the usual breakfast. We walk around Heemstede (Pete’s village) then headed back home for lunch. After a lunch of cheese, ham, and jam on rice cakes we headed back to Amsterdam. This tim we were going to see Milan and Floortia. They had moved into a new apartment about 10 months ago. It was just built, so it was pretty modern. 

Before we went to their place for dinner we went to the popular area of Amsterdam. It was the first time I had ever seen the prostitutes in the window. Most of them looked really bored. And you could smell the weed from the street. I also learned what coffee shop REALLY meant. lol. I kind of knew but didn’t make the connection when I was looking for the American version.

I finally bought my one and only pair of Birkenstocks. They are super comfy but it may take me a while to get used to how they look. I also got a really cute skirt. It is full length and red.

For dinner we had a special Dutch dish. It was two kinds of mashed potatoes. One also had carrots, mustard, and spinach. The other had bacon and endive.We also had meatballs. It was just good and will definitely try it when I get home. It is on the list of new recipes! We stayed until nearly 10. 

We headed home on the tram to the train, but we took the wrong tram so we had to go from one train station to another in Amsterdam before we could head home. At home it was bed almost right away. The next day was a trip to Haarlem.

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