Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Netherlands- Day 3

Monday)- Today was the day we were going to Amsterdam to Tobias and Joost. We spent some time just walking through the Dappermarkt on Dapperstraat. It is there everyday and it has everything you could possibly want. Clothes, produce, medical supplies, shoes, etc. 

Tobias and Joost live in the east part of Amsterdam. They live on the top floor of a really old three story building. The stairs are almost vertical. We met their cat Zita and waited out the rain eating ham and crisps. 

After a while we just had to give up and hope it stayed light. No such luck. About half a block from their apartment it started down pouring. We hid in a doorway to try not to get anymore wet. It stopped for quite a while as we continued onto the zoo. The next 2 hours was spent walking around the zoo. I got to see a baby elephant and a baby lion. So many cute animals.

Our day did not end there. We took a long walk around their part of Amsterdam and headed home. I had left over chili while their had a shrimp dish.

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