Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wednesday, June 27-Thursday June, 28th

    This is sick day number two. My voice was pretty much gone. I called in and then e-mailed our supervisor to ask for work. She didn't have anything for me. She just wanted me to get better. I stayed in bed until about 4pm, but I really needed to get groceries because I was out of almost everything.
      Walking to Tescos was really tough. I felt like I had a fever, but knew I really had to get food. I got everything I needed except tea. I forgot to look there and the convince store next to us only has english tea. I wanted herbal tea.
   Walking back was torture. The bags were heavy and I felt awful. It has never felt like that long of a walk before. Normally it takes about 10-15 minutes to walk home and I swear it took at least 20. Maybe longer.
  I put all my groceries away and got some water from the store, the tap water is disgusting. I spent the rest of the day in bed and going through my e-mails. I went to bed early but still felt sick when I got up on Thursday. I had even laid out my clothes for the next day.
    I slept in late. I've been in bed most of the day, but had not taken any medication. I want to see if not taking any will help me get better quicker. I've taken to eating honey on a lot of things lately, and will probably have some on green apples soon. I'm trying to eat better, but my roommates have place chocolate in the kitchen. Out in the open. It is really hard not to eat it. I also bought popcorn yesterday for my roommate and she got some too, so we have a ton. I ate pretty much a whole bag today, and I don't even really like popcorn.
  The rest of today will be spent in bed and eating. I think I will go grab an apple and some nuts now.

It's been really warm in Dublin. It went from low 60s to 70s in the past week. The humidity is pretty high too. The rain is kind of funny as well. Sometimes it rains when the sun is out but it is light, and almost refreshing. Other times it is just light. Like the sky is spitting. It is almost hard to notice then.

Tuesday, June 26th

      I was feeling a lot better and was the first intern to work today. Today we were to finalize some plans for the summer camps. After doing that we went on a little field trip to a place called the chicken shop. It is a nickname of course. Rarely, are places called their actual names in Dublin. I didn't see anything there that I wanted, but I'm extremely picky. The others grabbed some soups for 1 euro that are normally 4 euros a piece. It was a fun little trip, but it definitely tired me out.
   The children came back around 4:30 and worked on crafts and projects. While the others were working with the kids I worked on making signs for the camps. There is a schedule on the wall, so it makes it a lot easier this way.
  After work I headed to Dicey's. It was a very long evening. It was fun at first, but I wanted to go home early, and no one else did. Instead I waited to leave with everyone else. We got back really late and I had lost my voice from trying to talk over the music. I was much worse the next day than I had been on Monday. I learned my lesson. If you go out just to be with friends don't be afraid to leave early so your health doesn't get worse.

Monday, June 25th

    I woke up feeling terribly sick. I think it was a mix of a couple different things. I had already been a little sick, and then gluten always messes me up for a few days after. I spent the day in bed, but I originally planned to just go in late.
    I called in in the morning so that they knew I wouldn't be in until later. I got up around noon (the time I am supposed to start work) and started to get ready. I didn't feel well, but continued to get ready. On the way to the bus I considered turning around and just heading back home. As I arrived at the bus stop so did the bus. It was perfect timing. I got on the bus and headed up to the second floor, like I always do. Not long after I got on there was an announcement that we all had to get off the bus and get onto the next one. Apparently, a man was passed out on the bus. They couldn't wake him up, so everyone had to get off the bus to take him to the hospital.
  In the ten minutes I was waiting for the bus my head got heavy and foggy. I decided I didn't want to get anyone sick, and that I would not be any use to anyone at the office. It would probably just make me more sick.
  I spent the rest of the day in bed. I did create a form for work, but I was just too exhausted to do anything else. This was my first initial sick day, but I've had two more since then. I just can't seem to get better.

Sunday, June 24th

           Today is the day of our trip to Newgrange. It was probably the earliest morning I had had in a while. I got up around 7:30 and got ready. I headed to the bus with two of my roomies to get downtown. When we got there we found out that our bus trip had changed. The women who was originally going to lead our trip had gotten sick. Her brother had been able to take the group the day before us, but was not available to lead our trip Sunday. The bus we were going to take was not going to leave until ten, so we headed towards the bus station.
   When we arrived there we still had half an hour before the bus left. The whole group just browsed the store there. I found out a very interesting fact. A lot of their magazines come with something. One came with lipgloss or eyeliner. Another one came with a pair of sunglasses. One even came with a tank top. There were also packs of magazines being sold together.
    Finally it was time to get on the bus. Our first stop is the "Hill of Tara." It was cold and their were no pathways. First, we watched a film in the castle about the hill, and then we walked around the two burial grounds. It was kind of cool, but it was also cold and at one point started raining. Fortunately, it only rained for a minute or two. Sometimes you just don't know what to expect around here. When we got back I wondered around the very small shop. I ended up getting a cute little soup mug.
   Next it was onto Newgrange, the second largest burial cite of its kind. Along the way we stopped to look at a castle. It was too far to actually go to the castle, but we took pictures from outside of it.
    We crossed a river before we stopped, we crossed many rivers that way. On the other shore of the river were donkeys! They were sooo cute :)
   At Newgrange we started with lunch. I got a twice baked potato, but I think it must've had flour in it because it made me sick :( To actually get to Newgrange we had to take a 5 minute bus ride. Three little boys were standing outside paying their fiddles. The oldest boy was smiling and trying to play to the crowd. The youngest boy looked very anger. It was kind of funny. It was probably because they were out there all day trying to play for tips. 
    The burial cite was pretty cool. It was huge, but only held ashes from 5 people instead of the 200 that was in the small burial cite on the Hill of Tara. They showed us how the sun comes in on the shortest day of the year. It was beautiful. After that we left to go home. I spent most of the rest of the day hanging out. I did some cooking and hung out with friends. Headed to bed early.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Saturday, June 23rd

Another sleep in day. I did laundry and finally spent some time cleaning out my inbox. I spent hours going through about 100 e-mails. Of course, since I slept in I took forever to fall asleep. I had to get up early for a trip that EUSA had planned. With how late I had been up it was actually a pretty productive day.

Friday, June 22nd

I slept in late and cleaned my room. It was a chill day. I found out that I can get Netflix on my iPod, but I can't get everything on my computer. I watched TV and just hung out most of the day. I did some cooking, but cleaning my room was the biggest thing.

About halfway through the day (meaning around 5) I was in the middle of a shower when the power went out in all of my apartment complex (not just my building). I talked to my neighbor from across the hall and what they told us was if it was just the apartments it could be a few days before the power came back on. If it was all of Dublin it could be even long. Without power that meant no hot water, internet, or lights. Fortunately, it was just the apartments and it came back on after and hour or two. Probably closer to an hour. It was such  relief when it came back on. Nothing special happened today. I hung out with some friends and then went to bed. It was a short day, but I stayed up late.


Beautiful castle on the way to Newgrange
One of the many bridges we drove over

Entrance to the burial cite at Newgrange

This is where I live. Building C1 (C2 is attached but you can't get from one to the other on the inside)
This is the grocery store I shop at. 

This is the house that first reminded me of where to turn when returned to my apartment.

Thursday, June 21

Last day of work for the week! In the morning I was waiting for the bus. A homeless man was standing there so the bus driver drove quite passed him. Once I got on the driver shut the doors and would not let him in. Apparently, there are a lot of homeless in Dublin.

Today was the day of the going away party, how exciting! Laura is going back  to her home in the country since the term and her placement are over. We worked on paperwork before the kids got there and I had a yummy rice and egg mix at lunch.  They arrived and we started the party. Too much sugar was eaten and tiredness followed. Finally, around 7pm 2 fellow interns and one of our coworkers went to a pub and got food.

We went to a pub pretty much right across the street. It was a little skeezy but fun to go into. Beforehand we went to a fish and chips place. Oh my gosh! The burger and fries I got were awesome. The burger had shredded cheese and some kind of mayo. BUT the may even was the fries. THey were smothered in a creamy garlic sauce and topped with melted cheese. It was sooooo good. I definitely plan to get them again since they are so close to my work.

We spent nearly two hours there just eating, drinking, and relaxing. After we were done we walked down to college green to my favorite pub, so far. It is called Porterhouse because they brew all their own bears. We met of with the 2 other interns' friends and hung out until 11. I had a lovely drink called a French Martini. It was very tasty and a nice treat after a long day.

A little after 11 I proceeded to head home. The last bus leaves at 11:30 and I wanted to make sure i got the right one. After asking three different people I got the right one. I missed the one I normally took, but I was able to take a different number that would drop me off in the same area.

The last girl I asked was so kind. After I missed the number 13 she told me about the next one, which I already knew. It was raining a little, but I had been running around so I had my jacket off. This man kept telling me I should put my jacket on. I explained about five times why I had it off. Also, it was really hard to understand him. His accent was really thick and he kept asking me a lot of questions. When the bus was coming the girl tapped me and told me. She then whispered to me that if he went on the same bus as me just go upstairs (the buses all have two levels). I don't know how she knew he was going to stay on the first floor, but he didn't follow me upstairs when I passed him. I still can't get over how kind she was. She didn't even know me and was trying to protect me.

I was nervous about getting off at the right stop that I was at attention the whole time. I was able to get off at the right place, but when I first got off I thought I had gotten off at the wrong stop (everything looks different at night). I got home and hung out with friends until pretty late. I stayed up and Skyped with my parents. At least, I am pretty sure it was that night. I went to bed even later and got up pretty late on Friday.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Slang across nations

Deadly: sick, wicked, hella
Grand: great
Cheers: thank you, goodbye

Wednesday, June 20th

It was an easy morning to get up. I had slept well from all the dancing the night before. I get up and head to work. I had no idea what to expect because neither of the first two days was even close to the same. I arrive about five minutes late and we start talking about who would like to head each camp. I am working on the song writing and film making camps.

Around 1 we got "kicked out" because an adult group meets here for two hours. The four of us head out to lunch. We stop at one cafe that was really disappointing. The selection was very small and they weren't even serving the smoothies they had on the menu! I was so sad. Fortunately, I brought my own lunch, but I was still disappointed. We stopped at a grocery store on the way as well and I finally tried a Haribo Ice Cream push pop. YUM! I am addicted. They even have the gummy bears in the stick.

We hung out with our other coworkers in the kitchen until after 3pm. The kids were still not due back from hip hop, but another kids group came in. They were working on a marketing project, they all had to be younger than 10. They had to create a project. Each group had a different product. Group one had a boxing inspired restaurant, group two chose a sweet shop, and group three choose honey. The had to create a logo, packaging, a name for the product, and a slogan. Boy, they were disorganized. It was hard to get any one of them to actually talk about the project.

Around 4 the kids left and the other kids came back from hip hop. They showed us some of the moves they learned. Some of us even tried to learn the moves. It was fun, and slightly embarressing. Before that Natalie and I didn't have anything to do so we sat their and just sang some songs. While waiting for the high schoolers to get there Brandon started to teach me a little guitar. My fingers still hurt a little bit. lol. I even practiced piano and drums a little bit.

Once the high schoolers got there we just hung out. We left around 7 pm. I saw one of my friends on the bus because she had gotten lost on the way back. We chatted on the bus.

When I got home I made some REALLY good and delicious tacos. Then chilled with friends until after 11. Man, I was really tired. My bed felt so comfortable that night!

Slang at work

Ma- Mom, mum, mother
Da- Dad, father
Half two: Two-thirty
Stroke: Slash
Irish- Gaelic

Irish words:
bruscar- Trash

Tuesday, June 19th

I was soo tired this morning. It was really hard to get up, but I was excited to see what my second day of work had in store. I get to work and there is not much for us to do. The kids were going to go swimming today, so we just hung around for a little while. After being here for about an hour they sent us home. There wasn't going to be much to do after the kids got back from swimming.

The four of us decided to go grab lunch instead of just going straight home. We went to a sandwich shop, but I didn't get anything, because I intended to make a lunch when I got home. It took about an hour to get home on the bus, as usual, and then went grocery shopping. Gosh, it is a LOONG walk from the grocery store. I met up with one of the girls I hang out with a met everyone at a pub. We met some really cool people, and danced all night long. I met two guys from Brazil that were staying in Ireland for a few months. I also met some people that came from Illinois. It was a really fun night. It was easy to sleep that night.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Monday, June 18th (My first day)

                It is Monday morning and I wake up really early. Well, early compared to what time I needed to be up by. I woke up at about 8 am and made myself go back to sleep until about 9 am. Most of my friends had already left for work because their jobs started around 9 am. I casually get ready for the day and look up the bus that I will need to take after work to meet everyone at the pub. After getting ready I walk to the bus (I give myself an hour and a half to get there) and I arrive a half our early. I was the first one here, besides my supervisor Gina. Unfortunately, we didn't get to meet her at our group interview because she was sick. She talked me me about what work was going to be like for the next two weeks, because the littlest ones were still in school, and what was expected for the summer schedule. A student was coming in that she had to work with photography on, so we were left to explore the center.

Then it was lunch. Gina showed us a cute little cafe near where were work and the four of us ate their for lunch. When we got back it was meeting time, they had a lot to catch up on since the clubhouse had been closed for nearly two weeks. The basic idea fort he summer is that there will be several "camps" the kids can be involved in. Ones we talked about included film, song writing, and visual arts. Another program that will be going on this summer is called "Same, but Different." The activities involved in the program are as follows; a mural with the kids hands as leaves, a flash mob, and a documentary. It is meant to look at diversity, but to also bring it all back to the fact that no matter how different we may be we also have a lot in common.

The meeting was barely finished when the 8-12 year old kids joined us. There were not that many that day, but it was fun. Some of the kids got straight down to projects but most just wanted to play around. In summary, we were in the music room, wondered around and took photos, drew people as computers, and dance in the background of a "music video." Boy, it can surprise you how these kids rap. They are pretty good, but VERY foul. We are going to try and use the song writing class to clean up their language, and teach them that not all good rap and dirty rap. They let us off at 5 because not many of the teenagers come in. They are all taking tests for under division work.

One of my coworkers showed me where the pub was that I was meeting my friends and we spent the rest of our day there watching the Italy v. Ireland match and chatting about our first day of work. A lot of people aren't liking their jobs. It isn't related to their major or what they want to do. All in all I had a very good first day.

First day slang

One slang word I learned my first day at work was from one of the kids. We were going outside and she wanted a piggy back ride. BUT she used a different word. The word she used was jockey back. One of my fellow interns and I looked at each other confused and asked her to repeat it. The word makes a lot of sense. It was just the shock of hearing something we weren't used to. So, the term "jockey back" is used here in Ireland instead of "piggy back ride".


While being in Ireland I have heard much of the slang. Some of it is funny, but al of it is interesting. In our orientation they mentioned two slang words we would hear a lot. The first of these words was craic. It is pronounce like the english word "crack", but it means fun. You can here it being said "Last night was a craic time". Another way it can be used is when wondering what's going on. Like,"Do you want to see what the craic is?"

The second term is slagging. It means teasing or kidding. When our coworkers and employers are comfortable with us they may slag us. or make fun of us in a joking way. This isn't really a word people use in conversation. It is usually used in referring to a past situation.

Sunday, June 17th

Another lazy day. I woke up around 10 and cleaned my room. Then I spent a few hours updating my blog and grocery shopping. That evening I met up with some friends and we just hung out. We didn't go out. I went to bed pretty early and was ready for my first day of work. Definitely nervous thinking about my next day of work, but I studied my maps again just in case.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16th

I spent the whole day in bed. Going to bed at 5 am really takes it out of you. I just watched some TV and made a really good breakfast that consisted of granola, strawberries, and honey. It was nice to just have the whole day to relax.

Friday, June 15th

We started the day with orientation. Afterwards I had to get groceries and clothes. When I got back I found out my suitcase had arrived! I was so excited :) That night a group of us celebrated one of the girls' birthday. She was turning 20. We went out to a few different places and ended up staying until 5 am just hanging out. I met a guy that night who was from where I grew up. He was stationed in Italy and was visiting Ireland over the weekend. I was surprised with how many Americans we have been meeting in Ireland.

Thursday, June 14th

It is the interview day! I stay up the night before examining the route I am supposed to take. The next morning I getup, get ready, and head out to the bus. I get off one stop too late and walk in the wrong direction for about 5 minutes. Some one was able to tell me where I was supposed to go and I still made it there about half an hour early. No one was there and I had to wait until almost 2 before anyone showed up. Some other students from the same program as me are working their as well. When our interviewer shows up, our supervisor had been sick for about two weeks so the interview was moved back a day so some one else could interview us, he opened the door and we went upstairs. It is a very small quaint place. We will mostly be working with 8-12 year olds because the center has been labeled as only being for geeks. This is because much of what is done involves training on various computer programs. In my opinion it is actually pretty cool, because the are teaching kids (the program goes up to 18 years old) how to do blog design or photoshop. So back to the interview. It was the four of us. Basically, he just had us ask questions and then showed us around. That night my group had the welcome dinner. It was accompanied with Irish music and the food was really good. We stopped at a out close by and then joined more people at a different pub. I had my first night out. One of the interns' boss got us into a VIP section and it was a lot of fun. We were out until nearly 2 am. We all went to bed right away because we had orientation at 9:30 in the morning.

The Courtyard

This is the courtyard of the apartment complex I am living it. It is really beautiful when the sun is shining.

Wednesday, June 13th

Today was supposed to be the day of my interview. I still didn't have any clothes so I headed to the mall/grocery store. On my way there I got a call that said my interview had been moved to the next day. What a relief. I still had time to either borrow someone else's clothes or, hopefully, get my suitcase. I got a second call while I was picking up a few things for the next day. It was Fedex. My suitcase was here BUT I had to fill out a form and give it to customs to get it. Over the next 4 hours I was able to find a place to get it printed, fill out the unexplained info and fax it over. Needless to say it was a rough start to the day, but I was done. I then went with some friends to find where their interviews were. It was the first time I had been on a bus, and was glad I didn't have to figure out where I had to get off and one. It was fun. We checked out a pub near one of their soon to be jobs. City Centre it a fun place to just check out. That night I spent more time with some friends just chill in in their apartment. The next day was my interview.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tuesday, June 12th

After staying up late spending time with new friends I woke up the next morning and spent some time with my roommates. Then, it was time to head to our orientation. One of the girls from my school got lost, so I stayed back to wait for her....basically I waited for over half an hour. She had joined one of the other groups and they thought I had joined because she was there.  Afterwards I spent time relaxing until I hung out again with some friends. It's definitely had some ups and downs so far, but the people I have met so far are worth it :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

On the brighter side.....

*I met two amazing women on my flights. They both had much experience flying and loved what they did.
*I got to catch a ride in a taxi with some really awesome people I might not have met until later in the trip.
*It has been beautifully sunny since we arrived.
*I've already met some people I would definitely like to keep in touch with.

Nightmares Among Terminals

So the 10th was my day of travel and it went terribly. Everywhere I turned something else went awry. The only thing that went right was that my flights were on time. The trouble starts even before my departure date. The night before I am supposed to leave I check-in online. We then receive a message saying my flight number has ben changed and I have to be re-ticketed at the airport (it can't be done online). I sleep barely a few hours that night and wake up  dehydrated. On the way to the airport I start to feel queazy because of low blood sugar. Fortunately, I have a few snacks that help fix that. At the airport we have to wait in a not too long line, but it was taking about 10 minutes with each person. Finally, this nice guy does it all for us, but when my suitcase is being weighed I realize it is the wrong one. So, basically, I have no baggage for my two month Ireland Internship. Bu this point I'm tired, very stressed and in tears, at this time I haven't even reached security yet. Security goes fine but the last people are boarding for my flight. I hurry on. Arriving in Boston, my layover, I try to buy a shirt so that I have something to wear the next day. And the card I got specifically for travel is declined, I had never used it. I call and it is not connected an account. Apparently, they wanted to know all the places I was traveling before they would hook-up the account. In tears yet again. It is fixed and I hang up as they call for boarding. Next, they don't have any gluten-free meals on board because I didn't order one. I guess it's a good thing I brought lots of food for myself. After landing in Ireland I find out the group I was going to meet had a delayed flight. Several times I just wanted to quit and go home.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Preparing for the Journey

Hello Everyone!
  I am getting ready to head off to my internship in Ireland. I leave in less than a week and am VERY excited, but I am almost more nervous. It will be in a whole new place that I have never experienced, but I know I will never want to come home. Are you ready to join me on my adventure? It is about to start :)